We live in a very
attractive part of Wiltshire in which there are many important
ecological projects. Speakers to include:
· Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
· New Forest NPA
· Blackwater Conservation Group
Cllr Randall noted the map circulated at the meeting which detailed some ecology sites in the area.
Some parish councils had produce a community wildlife plan online.
Plant Life was a charity which campaigned on roadside verges to try and stop verge cutting.
Cllr Randall urged people to familiarise themselves with who was working on these consultations in each area.
He introduced speakers from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, New Forest NPA and the Blackwater Conservation Group who gave presentations on ecological projects in the area.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Ashley
I help the Trust to look after 14 wildlife reserves across Wiltshire.
We are a membership and voluntary charity. We have 4 in this area
Cockey down, Coombe Bissett down, Blackmore Copse, Landford bog.
Our work had benefitted from the Princess Trust coming out to assist in conservation work over last 2 years.
Some of the education work involved outreach, and going into schools.
We currently had an exciting project, as £800k had been made available to purchase 35 hectares next to our Coombe Bissett Down reserve, thanks to all who has supported us.
A large element of the project would involve engaging more people. Training, education and improved access, with additional volunteering opportunities. The training days will be free of charge. People can sign up for them, and take the new skills back with them.
The site will include a chalk butterfly bank, walking routes, accessible kissing gates, and benches.
Q – How do we find out about the training days
A – If you let me have your emails I can add you to the friends group for information.
New Forest NPA – Craig - Area Ranger
Engagement with people that live or visit the National Park (NP). 9% of the NP was in Wiltshire. There were several areas of work we are engaged with.
Working in collaboration with stakeholders, to share knowledge and ambition.
Provides land management advice and support to landowners, to help them to enhance the ecological wellbeing of the landscape.
Working woodlands project – set up to offer advice and support to owners of small areas of woodland.
Cattle dating service – this was about connecting people, with grazing sites and cattle owners.
Community wildlife plans. – full copies were available online. A way for the community to see what asset they have and how to protect it for the future.
Landscape partnership fund – providing old fashioned woodland skill courses for a low cost.
The Area Ranger role was about community outreach, helping people to engage in the areas they live in.
There were many opportunities for people to get involved. An annual volunteer fair was planned for the end of January. Up to 600 people would come through the door who were interested in volunteering.
Blackwater Conservation Group - Tony
In 2010 the Wellow Parish Plan was finalised. A questionnaire was circulated and from this, two 2 points were raised.
Land advice service were very helpful in setting up a number of meetings in surrounding parishes. We found that they were also seeking to protect the waterway from land development.
Protection of the Blackwater Valley for future generations. We have representatives from surrounding parishes and support from the National Trust.
Some work we had been carrying out was to rid the area of the Balsam plant and we have been testing the water quality for phosphate and nitrate.
With the help of the New Forest we had been able to get some groups of volunteers in to help us remove the Balsam. These groups were from B&Q, McDonalds and cubs and scout groups. Further volunteers were warmly welcome, please get in touch.