Agenda item

Update on the Licensing Service

Linda Holland (Licensing Manager) has prepared the attached update for the Committee which informs about the work of the Licensing Team.


The Committee were referred to the update on the Licensing Service which had been prepared by Linda Holland (Licensing Manager).  Linda highlighted the following:


·         Prevention of harm is a key element when planning an event and much more focus this year had been on military/terrorist threats – how this could be dealt with is built into the planning process;


·         The number of licensing applications received is up on last year – these had been for cafes expanding to add alcohol to their licences.  More applications for TENS were also received and this process is now smoother as the applications can be completed online through the GOV.UK website;


·         Following concern that a number of Town and Parish Councils were unsure on which grounds they could support or object to an application we updated the guidance notes on making a representation and the link to this is sent on the email when they are notified of applications.  We also had to firmly advise that the 28 day consultation deadline is fixed and cannot be extended to fit in with Parish Council meetings;


·         The Licensing team had undertaken inspections of all betting shops over the last few months.  The Council’s Statement of Gambling Policy was due for renewal by January 2019 and a report would be prepared for the March 2018 meeting of the Committee to outline the consultation requirements and members involvement in the process;


·         A briefing paper on the work of the ESAG group would be prepared for the March meeting of the Committee:


·         Since the beginning of 2016, Wiltshire Council has seen an increase in Animal Boarding licences and Licensing have taken the opportunity to review the fees and charges to reflect this growth also to include dual licensing of some properties.  In October 2018, there will be new regulations coming into effect that aim to modernise the current licensing and welfare regime for four different animal licences. Licensing officers will work with the holders of the effected licences to help with their understanding regarding any impact the changes may impose.  


·         In relation to the suspension of licences (currently 27 in long term suspension), Members asked for a list of those to check if any were in their area and if they had any local knowledge that may assist with contacting any licence holders.


Members asked for an updated list of Council and Wiltshire Police Licensing Officers to be circulated so that they knew who to contact with any queries.  Linda Holland agreed to forward this to Lisa Pullin for circulation.


A Member requested an update on environmental enforcement actions within Waste & Environment:


It was reported that there had been two successful prosecutions one for carrying out waste disposal without a licence for which a £1,000 fine was awarded. Another was a joint investigation with the Environment Agency which uncovered environmental offences and resulted in an award to pay back £2 million under proceeds of crime legislation.


Members wished to express their thanks to all Officers for their hard work. 




That the Committee note the Licensing Update.

Supporting documents: