Agenda item

17/00842/OUT - Land opposite Horefield, Idmiston Road, Porton, Wiltshire, SP4 0LD

Outline Planning Application for residential development of 16 dwellings with all matters reserved.  Provision of new footways and dropped kerb crossings to Nicholas CofE Primary School and 15 public car parking spaces for Horefield residents/school use.


Public Participation

David Neal spoke in objection to the application

Adrian Dibden spoke in objection to the application

Valerie Creswell spoke in support of the application

Tony Allen spoke in support of the application

Simon Zielonka spoke in support of the application

Cllr James Humphries spoke on behalf of the Parish Council


The Senior Planning Officer, Lucy Minting introduced the report, which recommended that the application for Outline Planning Application for residential development of 16 dwellings with all matters reserved. Provision of new footways and dropped kerb crossings to Nicholas CofE Primary School and 15 public car parking spaces for Horefield residents/school use, be refused.


It was noted that the proposed site was outside the limits for development

The site was currently in agricultural use, and school parking had been identified as an issue.


The Parish Council was in support of the application and the site had been included in the NHP.


Attention was drawn to late correspondence circulated at the meeting, relating to a response to late submission of ecological data provided by the applicant. The reasons for refusal had been altered, as listed on late correspondence.


The Ecological Officer had considered the new submission and concluded there would not be an adverse impact.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer. It was clarified that the applicant did not have control over some sections of the land, which was why the planned footpath would cross over twice. Specific details of the type of crossing would be conditioned as part of the decision should the application be approved; however it was understood that the crossing would be unmanned.


The plan showed the proposal to retain the verge along the roadside, except where the accesses were to the front dwellings.


There was no right to park on the verge at present, so there would be no loss to residents. The proposal included 15 public spaces for use.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views as detailed above.


The Unitary Division Member Cllr Mike Hewitt then spoke on the application, noting that it was not an easy application and if he had not called it in it would have been refused. He believed there was a place for houses along the site, being built properly with appropriate consideration of the road.


The site was outside of the housing boundary, and there were flooding issues, but these could be overcome. The Water company had been working in the village, to make improvements over last few years. If the application was approved, there were still lots of questions to be asked. With additional parking and further consideration to the cars dropping children off for school along that road, as it was unsafe.


Cllr Hewitt then moved the motion of refusal, in line with Officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Cllr Britton.


A debate followed where key issues raised included the support of NHP Group and the Parish Council. The parking problem on this narrow road was a major issue. The extra spaces proposed would not go anywhere near solving the problem.


The proximity of the houses to the road compared to the houses on the diagram, was a material consideration. A proposal where the houses were set a little further back or perhaps less of them may be more favourable.


The right-hand side of road was open country, giving a country feel to the area, putting this number of houses there would change that feel.


There was a flooding issue on that stretch of road, if you build there the water would have to go somewhere else.


The Committee then voted on the motion of refusal in line with Officer’s recommendation. This motion was not carried.


The Chairman then moved the motion of deferral until spring, in order to consider the application, once the additional ecology information was available, this was seconded by Cllr McLennan.




That application 17/00842/OUT be deferred until spring 2018 to allow for the ecology report to be submitted.


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