Agenda item

Our Community Matters

To receive updates and consider recommendations arising the following local priorities/working groups:-


§       Local Youth Network – Helen Bradley


To consider an application of £2,000 from Young Melksham.


The Area Board is requested to formally confirm the Board’s representative on the LYN.


§       Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch

§       Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) and Calne Men’s Shed – David Evans/Diane Gooch

§       Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group – Cllr Crisp

§       Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill

§       Calne Our Place – Naomi Beale

§       Calne Community Safety Forum – Town Councillor Glenis Ansell

§       CATG (Highways Working Group) – Cllr Crisp

§       Training & Skills Working Group – Cllr Thorn

§       WW1 Commemoration events working group (Ed Jones/Jane Vaughan)



Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. 


§    Local Youth Network Helen Bradley

The meeting considered anapplicationfor £2,000fromYoungMelksham to which the LYN had recommended awarding £1,000.

In response to questions raised by Cllr Alan Hill, it was noted that the project was in Melksham but would also cater for the needs of young people in Calne;, and that the group would not be to the detriment of other groups in Calne noting the demand for activities and the belief that increasing choice was preferred.

At the end of the debate, the meeting;


To award £1,000 to the Young Melksham project; and

To confirm that Councillor Ian Thorn be the Area Board’s representative on the LYN

§    Older People/Carer’s ChampionDiane Gooch

It was noted that: most activities had been covered in JSNA update; that the last tea party at Christmas had been great success; and that rural parishes were encouraged to input from the other communities to find out what is going on or is lacking for older people and carers.

§    Health andWellbeing Group (Calne Health &Social Care Forum) and           Calne Men’s ShedDavid Evans/Diane Gooch

It was noted that: the H&WB group had met last Tuesday, and explored the support available for veterans; other activities in Marsden house were highlighted; and the next meeting would be on 24 April  

A presentation was given from the local Men’s Shed projected, including:  the setting up and the activities of the new Men’s shed in Calne; the grants and donations in kind that have got the group off and running; the products that have been produced and the income that can be generated; the links to other local groups and schools; the crucial support from Hills, WWT and WC.

§    Dementia Friendly CalneCommunityWorking GroupCllrCrisp

It was noted that: the group had recently met and was looking to refocus on local activities; the efforts to encourage businesses to help be dementia-friendly and to work with younger people; and that all the GP  practices had been signed up to the scheme.

§    Air QualityWorking GroupCllrHill

It was noted that: there had been no meeting, and this was due to need to assess the impact of the application for Hills Waste to develop their site and the potential for a  cross site link road which could relieve some of the traffic away from the centre.

§    Calne Our Place Naomi Beale

It was noted that: there would be signs will be up shortly; that funding was being sought from LEADER for work including a tourism video, CCTV; and that £5,000 had been secured for adults with literacy problems.

§    Calne Community SafetyForum Town Councillor Glenis Ansell

It was noted that: the forum had closed some long running cases; that other issues, such as the gates at newsagent, had been resolved. Further information on the skatepark issues and the recording/reporting of crime would be made available at a later date.

§    CATG (Highways Working Group)CllrCrisp

The meeting considered the report of the CATG and the recommendations therein.


That the recommendations in the report be approved

§    Training & SkillsWorking GroupCllrThorn

It was noted that: there had been a well attended meeting in November; and that the steering group would meet in February to agree activities.

·                WW1Commemorationevents working group(Ed Jones/JaneVaughan)

It was noted that: the Parish Forum leading on this and had identified a site for the planation; that there should be one tree to represent all those lost in the area; and would hope to announce site at the next meeting.


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