Agenda item

Amendments to the Wiltshire Local Transport Plan (LTP) 2011-2026 - Car Parking Strategy


Councillor Bridget Wayman presented the report which provided details of the consultation responses in relation to Options 2 to 7; asked Cabinet to consider any suggestions from respondents for alternative ways in which the estimated income increase from the options could be met by other means (termed Option 8); and sought approval for the implementation of recommended option proposals through an amendment notice to the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs).


Matters highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the financial implications for proposals; that the income generated would help support subsidies for bus services; the changes already made by officers; and the amendments made in the light of the consultation responses.


Councillor Matthew Dean, Chair of the Environment Select Committee, presented a summary of the views submitted as part of the consultation.


Representations were made from David Feather and from Suzanne Humphries, the Secretary of the Friends of Southwick Country Park, who presented a petition from 435 users of the park in objection to the introduction of parking charges.


Councillor Horace Prickett, local division member for Southwick, similarly raised concerns as to the impact of the new charges, including: the relative high level of the proposed charges, that car parks serving similar rural facilities are free, the possibility of displacing parked cars onto the highway, and the options for asset transfer.


In response, Councillor Bridget Wayman agreed to meet with representatives to discuss their concerns and the options for a community asset ahead of the implementation of any decision.




(i)         To agree to the implementation of Options 2 to 6 through an amendment to the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), subject to the necessary formal consultation process.


(ii)       To agree that any responses to the formal TRO consultation process be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Waste prior to the making of the Order(s).


(iii)      To approve the proposed Sunday and Bank / Public Holiday parking charges as set out in Appendix 5.


(iv)      To note that if the above proposal is agreed, then a recommendation to remove the following text from Policy PS3 of the LTP Car Parking Strategy would be made to full Council:


Sunday parking charges will be considered where there is an identified

traffic congestion or air quality issue, or where there is a strong and

established parking demand from shoppers or visitors.


(v)       To agree the proposed action related to each of the currently free car parks (or part of) identified in Appendix 6.


(vi)      To agree to the withdrawal of free event parking from town / city councils in the months of November and December.


(vii)    To approve the proposed season ticket charges as set out in Appendix 7.


(viii)  To agree that a two tiered charging regime is introduced where residents’ permits would be:


·      £50 for the first permit and £70 for the second permit (at the same address) in limited waiting zones; and


·      £80 for the first permit and £100 for the second permit (at the same address) in residents’ only zones.


(ix)      To agree that the hours of operation of residents’ permit schemes are extended from 8am 6pm to 8am 8pm.


(x)       To agree that the parking grace period is retained at 15 minutes.


(xi)      To agree that none of the alternative funding proposals suggested through the consultation could realistically replace the income uplift forecast under Options 2 to 7.


(xii)    To approve the technology and operational improvements set out in paragraphs 58 to 62 and paragraph 63 respectively for implementation by parking services in 2018/19.


Reason for decisions:


To seek approval for the implementation of Options 2 to 6 through an

amendment to the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders (subject to the

necessary formal consultation process).


To seek approval for the implementation of a number of technology and

operational improvements.

Supporting documents: