Agenda item

To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night

·         Fire & Rescue Service

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire

·         CCG

·         Wiltshire Council Updates:


o   Real Change Wiltshire 

o   Clean up Wiltshire

o   Work Wiltshire

o   Public Spaces Protection Orders

o   Supporting those with SEND into employment


·         Current consultations


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received  verbal updates.


Fire & Rescue Service – in addition to the written update in the pack, Darren Masini was in attendance to update on two points:


·       Since the small villages around here lie outside our target response time our focus is more on preventative measures, safe and well checks, please make contact with us and access that free service from us.

·       On call staff – they have other jobs, recruitment of those staff is very difficult, as their employers often do not want to release them for cover. New pay structure will be salary based, for the hours they are prepared to give up to the service. This is a better option than the pay as you go system.


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·       Wiltshire Council Updates:

o   Real Change Wiltshire

o   Clean Up Wiltshire

o   Work Wiltshire

o   Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO)

o   Supporting those with SEND into employment


·       Current Consultations, webpage link:


Great British Spring Clean

The Community Engagement Manager, Tom Bray, had emailed clerks about this initiative for 2018. He urged them to feedback so he could register the events. A supply of refuse bags was being purchased centrally, he hoped to be able to access some to distribute.


·       Question: If there were not enough of the printed bags, would Wiltshire Council collect the usual black sacks if we buy them? Answer – Tom would enquire and feedback.


WW1 Commemorative Tree Planting

The council was on target to meet its objective to plant 10,000 trees.

Supporting documents: