Agenda item

Matters of Community Wide Interest

a) Parish Councils and Community groups


b) Community Policing local issues and priorities


c) Area Board Themes




a)    Parish Councils and Community groups


Catherine Purves – Pitton and Farley

In November, there was a Joint Society of Local Council Clerks event, held in Trowbridge. This was felt to have been very successful. Another was planned for June, with Area Board Chairmen and CEMs to be invited also.


b)    Community Policing local issues and priorities


In addition to the written report in the agenda, PC Matt Holland & Sergeant John Hutchings noted the following:


Inspector Sparrow’s report had included information around drug networks in Salisbury, where drug networks from larger cities come in to smaller ones to try and take over. We have had success in sending some of these offenders to prison.


We are a Community Policing Team, covering an urban and rural area, sometimes there was the need to move our staff around. As we continue with the high visibility Pulse Patrol initiative it would also come out in to the rural areas as well as the City.


There had been a spike in van thefts, with tradesmen’s tools being targeted from two vans in Alderbury and more in the Salisbury area. The frequency of these incidents would suggest that one or two offenders were responsible for this. CCTV footage was available for one of those incidents which would be followed up. Spread the word to tradesmen you know to secure their tools.


Beauty spot vehicle crime had also reappeared at several of the local spots, Odstock Down, Pennies Grove, Figsbury Rings and Bentley Woods. Officers had been asked to target these areas, and to stop and check people.


There had been four houses broken in to in Whiteparish. Cross border work with Hampshire constabulary was underway, Officers were actively working with CID there to see if we they could tap in to those enquires.


Parish newsletters had not gone out, one would come out next week for February.


People were again urged to sign up for community messaging.




·       A few years ago, when there were car break ins at the beauty spots, a notice was put up and this had a good effect. Not sure where the notice came from but it did make people take more care. Answer: The notices were probably put up by us, so I will check to see if we can put another one up. The people committing the thefts did often remove the posters. Best not to leave anything in view at all.


·       You previously asked how many people used social media as a point of contact, and it was none. It would be better for the Police to ask for someone in the parish to liaise with in incidents. Answer: We have to try and hit all target areas, Community Messaging was an extension of Neighbourhood Watch. Most people have emails these days.


·       It was sad that the Neighbourhood Tasking Groups were not running any more, they were very useful in the Downton community. Answer:  They did still exist in some areas, under a different name. Some Area Boards have continued to support these community led groups. We would be happy to discuss this further outside of the meeting.


Cllr Randall, thought that a group like this would be useful for the whole area. Answer: If someone wants to organise this we would be involved, under the branch of the Area Board.


Cllr Britton noted that these can be a community led thing, and did not have to be from the Board.


Action: Tom to look in to this in the other areas and give it some thought.


·       The article on Fly Tipping reported in the Salisbury Journal today, indicated that the culprits were just spoken to. The indication was that there was not much of a deterrent. Answer: I don’t think it was the case that they were just spoken to. It was our WC colleagues that had the enforcement powers for fly tipping, if there were incidents we need people to report them, then if there were any chances to catch these people then we will follow it up. Use the ‘My Wiltshire’ system to report with photos if possible.



c)     Area Board Themes


The work on footpaths and circular walks schemes was still running. Tom had met with Wiltshire CIL, and was looking at a campaign in our area. He would be able to report back more information as those discussions progress.



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