Agenda item

Our Youth Theme

-       A healthy stirfry by Any Body Can Cook

-       The success of our local provision

-       Appointment of new sports provider





Amount requested

Innov8 Sportz CIC
12 hours of sports delivery until 31 March 2018


Youth funding available:




The Board had reviewed what had been achieved with the youth provision over the last few years.


Two of the activity providers were in attendance to speak on their work in the area.


Anybody Can (ABC) Cook – Catherine

We were hoping to have some young people at the meeting to demonstrate a cooking session, however they had been unable to attend.


Catherine had been working with four youth groups over past 2 years, teaching young people how to make some simple healthy recipes, linked with themed events.

Sometimes there were quick 20-minute sessions of cooking for multiple groups of children in one session, whilst other sessions were more intense with the whole session being used to prepare one dish. 12 sessions had been held in most of the youth clubs over the 2 years.


In Winterslow there were regularly 18 – 20 children taking part. The sessions cost £11 per child, which included the food which they could take home.


There had been positive feedback from the youth groups and the children.


Some funding last year had enabled the young people to work towards a series of AQA certificates. The practical skills learnt were really useful.


Boom Satsuma – Dr Julian Dziubinski

Julian worked with young people in the youth clubs providing opportunities in musical sessions. Many of the children he encountered had little or no confidence, and often felt left out, but when they came to the youth club, they were free to play any instrument they liked. They all had the opportunity to become a composer during the sessions.


All of the young people had been very positive, they all had had the opportunity to play a variety of instruments and hold a little performance at the end.


Review – Tom Bray


A hard copy of a survey had been circulated to all 4 youth clubs, 3 had responded to us, with good data which supported these sessions.


The Area Board had invested £30,000 of funding into these sessions for two years, and had until last year been working with three providers. GoActive had been lost sadly from the repertoire, however a replacement provider had now been found.


If there had been a paid youth worker for the area, then the funding would have gone to them, but instead we now have a community-led model for that money which has enabled the Area Board to engage with far more young people than before.



Cllr Clewer noted that without a functioning youth group already in an area it would be difficult to run these sessions and we should aim to try to grow the number of existing groups.


The Chairman added that he was very proud of what the Area Board had done for the young people, Tom had put a lot of effort in to make this happen. There were a couple of very good youth officers in our area previously, but their capacity was very limited. Compared with that, having funding devolved to us achieved the involvement of many more young people – but here was still room for more young people to get involved.


Appointment of new sports provider

The Board considered the recommendation for funding a new provider, as detailed in the agenda. Innov8 Sportz CIC was offering the same service as GoActive, with the addition of some new activities. The provision would be moulded to fit the needs of our young people.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board awarded £500 to Innov8 Sportz CIC towards the provision of 12 hours of sports delivery, until 31 March 2018.


Supporting documents: