Agenda item

17-11409-FUL - Northwood Barn, Doncombe Lane, North Colerne, Chippenham


Public Participation

Chris Dance (Agent) spoke in support of the application

Ben Harraway (Applicant) spoke in support of the application

Cllr Paul Jobbins on behalf of Colerne Parish Council spoke in support of the application.


The Team Leader, Simon Smith, introduced the report which recommended planning permission be refused for an erection of a replacement dwelling. It was noted that previously the application was discussed at committee in October 2017 and that this application was the re-submission of that application.


Key issues highlighted included the principle of development; the design/ character and appearance of the area (ANOB), residential amenity and the ecology.


It was noted that there was a typo on page 22 within the following paragraph:


“It is indisputable that the loss of the existing building characteristic of the locality and its replacement with a modular bungalow of suburban appearance would protect, conserve or enhance the AONB. The proposal would fail the provisions of Policy CP51 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy”.


The paragraph should include ‘not’ followed by ‘protect, conserve or enhance…’ as follows:


“It is indisputable that the loss of the existing building characteristic of the locality and its replacement with a modular bungalow of suburban appearance would not protect, conserve or enhance the AONB. The proposal would fail the provisions of Policy CP51 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy”.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer which focused on: The materials used on the development; the difference in the ridge height; changes made since the previous application and the design of the development.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee, as detailed above.


Councillor Brian Mathews, Division Member, spoke in support of the application noting core policies 46, 48 and 41. It was explained that the applicant had the intentions to move onto the family farm to maintain the farm and care for elderly parents. The application had been redesigned according to previous concerns, which meant that it was less intrusive on the landscape.  


At the start of the debate a proposal was moved by Councillor Peter Hutton  and seconded by Councillor Ben Anderson to move the officers recommendation, noting that there had not been a significant enough change compared to the previous application.


During the debate the main points raised were: concerns about the raised ridge height and the need to see a better plan.


At the end of the debate it was;




To Refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


1.            By reason of the proposal failing to comply with the requirements of H4 in respect of justifying a replacement dwelling, the proposed development, by reason of its location would be contrary to the settlement, delivery and community area strategies and residential development in the open countryside policy and is unacceptable in principle. The proposal fails to accord with Core Policy 1, 2 and 11 of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (Jan 2015), as well Saved Policy H4 of the North Wiltshire

Local Plan 2011 and Paragraphs 14 and 17 of the NPPF.


2.            The proposed development, by reason of loss of the existing building, which entirely appropriate to the distinctive character of the Cotswold AONB, and its replacement with a pre-fabricated bungalow would adversely impact the character and appearance

of the Cotswold AONB. The proposal fails to accord with Core Policy 51 (ii and ix) and 57 (i, iii and vi) of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Jan 2015), and Paragraphs 14, 17 and 115 of the NPPF.


Supporting documents: