Agenda item

15/04004/OUT: Old Sarum Airfield Limited, Lancaster Road , Old Sarum, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 6DZ

Outline application with all matters reserved, except from the means of access to the site for the demolition, modification and renovation of existing buildings, structures and site development. Provision of approximately 18.6ha (gross) of residential land accommodating approximately 462 residential dwellings. Provision for a mixture of employment, commercial/leisure, and aviation uses on 3.1ha of land at Area B, including a "flying hub" comprising a control tower, heritage centre, visitor centre, café/restaurant, parachute centre, aviation archives and aircraft hangars. Provision of associated access, including the construction of new points of vehicles access to the surrounding highways network, car parking and connections to the surrounding footpath and cycle networks. Green infrastructure provision, including open space, play space, recreational footpaths, cycle paths and landscape enhancement areas; the provision of above and below ground utilities, including a sustainable urban drainage system. Associated vegetation removal, ground modification and engineering works


Outline application with all matters reserved, except from the means of access to the site for the demolition, modification and renovation of existing buildings, structures and site development. Provision of approximately 18.6ha (gross) of residential land accommodating approximately 462 residential dwellings. Provision for a mixture of employment, commercial/leisure, and aviation uses on 3.1ha of land at Area B, including a "flying hub" comprising a control tower, heritage centre, visitor centre, café/restaurant, parachute centre, aviation archives and aircraft hangars. Provision of associated access, including the construction of new points of vehicles access to the surrounding highways network, car parking and connections to the surrounding footpath and cycle networks. Green infrastructure provision, including open space, play space, recreational footpaths, cycle paths and landscape enhancement areas; the provision of above and below ground utilities, including a sustainable urban drainage system. Associated vegetation removal, ground modification and engineering works.


Public Participation


Mr Ron Champion, a local resident, spoke against the application.

Mr Graham Renshaw, a local resident, spoke against the application.

Cllr Vic Bussereau, representing Laverstock & Ford Parish Council, spoke against the application.


The Committee received a presentation from the Case Officer which set out the issues in respect of the application.  It was explained that following a protracted period of discussions and negotiations, the applicant had chosen to exercise their right to appeal against non-determination of the application. This meant that the Council no longer had the powers to formally determine the application, as this power now rested with the Planning Inspectorate. This matter was scheduled to be considered at a Public Inquiry for which no date had been set. The views of the Committee on the application were now being sought to enable the Council to make its case to the Inspector.  The Head of Development Management reported that he had received a letter from the applicant the previous day requesting that the application be withdrawn from the agenda for today’s meeting to enable further dialogue and discussion to take place.  This request had not been agreed as the application had been appealed and was now being dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate who required the Council to set out its statement of case. 


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions after which they heard the views of members of the public as detailed above, expressing their views regarding the planning application.


Members then heard the views of Cllr Ian McLennan, the local Member, who set out his objections to the proposal.  In particular, he drew attention to the need to protect the Old Sarum Conservation Area and considered that the proposals would destroy the character of the priceless World War 1 flying field.  The plans proposed would also result in a massive overdevelopment of the northern area of Laverstock and Ford Parish and would also jeopardise the current flying arrangements.


During discussion, Members considered that the level of proposed development was completely unacceptable and noted the impact this would have on local bus services, roads and local amenities.  Concern was expressed at the minimum amount of consultation that the developer had held with local people.  The reasons for refusal were examined and it was generally considered that they needed strengthening especially regarding reference to Core Policy 25 and the number of dwellings.


On the proposal of Cllr Fred Westmoreland, which was seconded by Cllr Andrew Davis,




To delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to strengthen the reasons for refusal as set out in the Case Officer’s report with particular reference to Core Policy 25 and to advise the Planning Inspectorate that the Council would have refused the scheme for these reasons. 


(Note 1:  Cllr Stewart Dobson declared a non-pecuniary interest, as detailed in Minute No. 79 above and withdrew during consideration of this application.)


(Note 2:  The reasons for refusal subsequently strengthened by the Head of Development Management are attached to these minutes at Appendix 1.)

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