To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the following local JSA priorities/working groups:
· Local Youth Network – Helen Bradley (LYF)
· Calne Area Parish Forum – Ed Jones (Chairman) – to include an update on the WWI commemorative tree planting project
· Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch – to include a recommendation for funding under the Health and Wellbeing budget to the ‘Celebrating Age’ project.
· Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) – David Evans/Diane Gooch
· Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group – Cllr Crisp
· Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill – to include a review of the Calne Air Quality Action Plan, for review by the Area Board.
· Calne Our Place – Naomi Beale (Chairman)
· Calne Community Safety Forum – Town Councillor Glenis Ansell (Chairman)
· CATG (Highways Working Group) – Cllr Crisp
· Training & Skills Working Group – Cllr Thorn
· Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman - to include an update on the review of the traffic calming scheme at Abberd Way, Calne.
The Area Board was provided with an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:
· Local Youth Network(LYN) There was no update for this meeting.
· Calne Area Parish Forum Ed Jones, Chair of the Parish Forum reported that the group is proceeding with plans for the development of a WW1 commemorative copse in the community area. It was hoped that more information would be available at the next meeting.
· Older People/Carer’s Champion Diane Gooch, Calne Older People/Carers Champion, gave a verbal update and reported that the current project ‘Celebrating Age’ was working with Cherhill’s ‘Oldbury Wednesday Club’, the local Methodist Church and memory group. A presentation on the project was held at the Calne Hub and Library on 25th April 2018. A classical concert for older people and carers was being held at the Calne Hub and Library in June 2018. Preparations were being made for a Volunteer Fair in Calne. The next meeting of the Alzheimer’s Group was cancelled due to lack of support. The Community Transport Project was continuing to seek a volunteer to take the Project forward.
The Area Board was asked to consider a Health and Wellbeing funding request for the Celebrating Age Project for £1,500 from the Wiltshire Music centre.
a) That the discussions of the Calne Older People and Carers Voices held on 2nd May 2018 be noted.
b) That the request for Health and Wellbeing funding for £1,500 to the Wiltshire Music Centre for the Celebrating Age Project be agreed.
· Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) David Evans reported that the Groups last meeting was held in April 2018, where they received a talk from Karen Wade, Assistant Commissioner – Community Services, Wiltshire Council. The Community Transport Project was promoted at this meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for 17th July 2018.
· Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group The Area Board was informed that, during the recent Dementia Action week, the group had displayed an exhibition at the Hub and library, engaged in the Lions Club Duck Race and held a public dementia friends session, which resulted in eleven new Calne dementia friends.
A number of other events would be taking place, including a ladies’ hair dressing working group, Short Walks around Calne Town and a volunteer day at the Library on 30th June 2018.
It was also reported that the Dementia Action Alliance had met. The Area Board was reminded that, as a member of the Calne Dementia Alliance, all members of the Area Board should undertake Dementia Friends training. The Chairman encouraged everyone to undertake this training or attend a refresher session.
· Air Quality Working Group Councillor Alan Hill presented the Air Quality Working Group update and asked the Area Board to consider a number of recommendations from the Group, some of which were necessary to move certain aspects of the Action Plan forward.
a) To note the discussions and updates of the Air Quality Working Group held on 4th April 2018.
b) To approve the removal of completed or superseded actions outlined in the meeting notes.
c) To support and recognise the Wordfest Trail Project and the Our Walks app project within the Calne Air Quality Action plan.
d) To approve the amended Action Plan.
e) To support the Calne Town Council proposal to implement an Electric Vehicle charging point in Calne town centre.
· Calne Our Place Projects The written report was received and noted.
· Calne Community Safety Forum Roger Appleby, representing the Forum, reported on the development of land at Marden Farm, Calne and proposed footpath diversion to John Bentley School frequently used by schoolchildren. He indicated that the diversion would require schoolchildren to walk to John Bentley School on a longer, more dangerous route alongside the A4 and A3102. A map of the public rights of way in the vicinity of the development was circulated and included alternative routes available including the diversion of footpath CALW 20 to provide an alternative route closer to the school. The Area Board were asked to support the shorter walking route to the school along CALW 20 and provide comments to Michael Crook, the Councils Rights of Way Officer.
The Area Board were also informed about the Calne Community First Response vehicle and the need for urgent repairs to keep the vehicle road worthy. He reported that all the repair costs and running expenses would be covered by various businesses within Calne.
Resolved: That the Rights of Way Officer be informed that:
‘This Area Board does not believe that it is appropriate nor acceptable for school children to use the A4 and A3102 route to walk to school and action should be taken to ensure that the footpath available is accessible to be used for this purpose.’
· Community Area Transport Group (CATG) The Area Board received the notes of the CATG meetings held on 19th March 2018 and 2nd May 2018 and considered a number of requested detailed in the notes for each meeting.
i) Notes the discussions and updates outlined in the report of 19th March 2018 and 2nd May 2018.
ii) Approves the closure of the following issues:
a. 4404
b. 5390
c. 5464
d. 5471
e. 5723
f. 5661
g. 5671
h. 5796
i. 5814
j. 5867
k. 5872
l. 5995
iii) To move issues to the priority list for progression, as follows:
a. 6010
b. 6011
c. 6012
d. 6014
iv) Approve the allocation of £2,478 towards the implementation of a 40mph speed limit extension at Compton Bassett – Issue 5986.
· Training and Skills Working Group The written report was received and noted.
Cllr Thorn presented the report and highlighted the request for Calne to become a ‘Makaton Friendly Town’ and that the Area Board holds a ‘Makaton Friendly’ meeting in the future.
i) Note the discussions of the meeting held on 26th April 2018
ii) To support a ‘Makaton Friendly’ Area Board meeting in the future.
· Calne S106 Working Group The written report was received and noted.
Cllr Trotman reminded the Area Board that they considered a briefing note about the review of a traffic calming scheme for Abberd Way, Calne at its last meeting. He and Cllr Thorn reported that further discussions had taken place between the interested parties and a compromise on the proposals had been reached.
i) Note the feedback and actions relating to Abberd Way traffic calming review
ii) Note the discussions and actions agreed relating to other S106n schemes at the S106 Working Group meeting held on 10th April 2018.
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