Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Fire & Rescue

b)    Healthwatch Wiltshire

c)     Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

d)    JSA Update



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and circulated at the meeting.


Police Inspector Andy Fee - West Wiltshire community Policing Team, in addition to the written update circulated at the meeting, highlighted the following points:


·       Crime statistics have set our strategy and main priorities for the next few months

·       Had to change our 2 Community Coordinators – Charlie and Leigh

·       Crime patterns – no exceptions across Tisbury and Mere in particular.


Questions included:


·       What was the reason for swapping the Officers? That was due to a personal matter.

·       Child sexual exploitation and county lines are linked, have you seen an increase? Answer: Not in our rural areas, but in terms of Salisbury in particular, we have done quite a lot of work on county lines. People coming in to our areas to target vulnerable people and children to sell drugs to. They come in and set up a franchise. We have been working to target and break down the connections they are making with the local community. In Salisbury we have had great success. Class A drug users are meeting up with people outside of Wiltshire. With Child Sexual Exploitation, children who go missing can be exploited. There are always links to criminal exploitation and sexual exploitation.In Trowbridge we have identified a county line drug network and are doing a lot of work to break that up.


We have receievd mutual aid from almost every Police Force around England, who have come to help in Salisbury following the incident. This has enabled our Officers to continue with their work.


·       Inspector Sparrow was at the community meeting that Cllr Jeans  chaired. There is a community Policemen who was supposed to operate from the Nadder Centre, yet he has not been here for about 6 weeks. Where is he? Answer: I will take that up with the Officer. He is busy on his area and he attends our tasking meetings and provides useful information.


·       The Board and community compliments the exceptional work the Officers and Partners have been doing for us all in Salisbury.


James Body – Chalke Mobile – Chairman of Bowerchalke PC

The administrative action to form the community interest of Chalke Mobile was now complete. The first 2 cells in Woodmington and Ebbesbourne Wake were now in place.


Now is the time for representatives from the other areas, across Odstock to Tollard Royal and up as far as Tisbury and Donheads St Mary to come forward to express their interest in the installation of some small cells.


A public meeting would be held on Friday 15th June at Bowerchalke village hall at 7pm. MPs John Glen and Andrew Murrison will be in attendance, so anyone interested should come along and find out more. We aim to deploy between 50 – 70 of these small cells.



·       Teffont contacted you, when can they expect to be included? Answer: It really depends on local champions coming forward to identify where the cells can go and 10% of the project is needed to be raised locally, the other 90% will come from central Government. Have to raise £150k but we do have seed investment funding. The system will be running a broadband of a minimum of 30mbs. There really only is one choice in some areas, that is BT, or services of BT, and that is not a good thing. Competition is good.


·       There are signs that mobile phone signals can have neurological effects on people through radiation.Answer: If there was a risk, the risk comes from the small devices we use as phones next to our heads, so actually having small cells locally reduces the risk. The power level is very low.


Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA)

The Community Engagement Manager, Steve Harris noted that an update was included in the agenda pack, on all of the priorities which came out of the  last JSA event. He would deliver a fuller update at a future meeting.

Supporting documents: