· Community Policing – local issues and priorities
· Your ideas – support and funding for community projects
We hope that representatives from Wiltshire Police will be available from 6.30pm
Community Policing – Inspector Pete Sparrow
A second major incident had occurred concerning Novichoc. The general feeling was that this was somehow connected to the first major incident. It was thought that a container had been picked up by the couple and has had major consequences for them. Salisbury was still a safe place; the risk was still low. Pete noted that there was a lot of information being circulated by various sources, and not all of it was correct.
During the last few weeks Officers had huge commitments to deal with. Working long hours, and supported on mutual aid from officers who had come from other forces to help us in Salisbury and Amesbury.
Questions included:
· Had there been any increase in knowledge from interview with the person who is now conscious? Answer: I cannot share that information. The substance is a colourless, odourless liquid, so it was likely that he would know that he and his partner had been contaminated.
· The first incident was said to be connected to Russia, now this second incident has occurred to a seemingly unconnected couple who live in Amesbury, are the two incidents connected? Answer: Novichoc has not been deployed since the 1950s, the likelihood that there would be 2 incidents not connected is very low. How this has happened, the only hypothesis is that the original substance must have been discarded in a container and picked up.
· Jane Tier – attended a WC talk, they said there were going to be some information detailing the sites to be re-opened. Answer: The cleaning is ongoing. The forensic recovery process now needs to be carried out at these new sites. The Officers that carry this task out have to undergo highly precautionary procedures. We can only base the search on timeline of where these two people have been prior to their condition becoming evident.
The bus has been checked and it has been found not to be contaminated, so there really are a lot of unknowns here. It could be that they picked up an unopened container and then did not open it until later when at home. Or it could be that the picked something up after they got out of Salisbury.
The message is, if you see a container that you feel is suspicious, the tell the police and we will come and collect it and test it. We are doing a lot of work with schools to spread safety messages.
The Chairman asked whether there were any questions on more routine community policing matters?
· Elaine Hartford Alderbury PC - with regards to Community Speedwatch (CSW), I always notify the police when we are carrying out checks. Only once have we had a visit whilst we are actively in session. It would be nice if once in a while a Police vehicle would drive by and give us a friendly wave to acknowledge our work.
Also, the previous PCSO Tina transferred to another area. I have never met the replacement PCSO Simon Nash. We have not had a representative at a PC meeting or even a report. Not everyone sees the papers you write, we had always in the past had attendance and had it early on the agenda, not seen anyone in almost a year.
Answer: One big area I am trying to push my staff on is engagement and visibility. PCSO Nash is new to the area and my expectation is that he should come to PC meetings when he is available. He would not be able to get to all meeting of the 15 PCs for this area, that is not realistic. The report aspect, we had a discussion with the Area Board Chairman a year ago, where it was decided that we were going to stop the report and instead come to the AB here to listen and answer any questions.
I have now asked my assistant to write a bimonthly report that can go out to all the areas. I want my officers to be out on the streets, engaging with people where people can see them.
Chairman – It seems it would be a far more satisfactory policy statement where you say officers will not be in attendance at PC meetings.
· Elaine – we have never seen our PCSO out here. How many other parishes have seen him? Also you mentioned a report you would produce, and said this would be fed to all PC clerks. Answer: I am happy to send the report to everyone, and speak to PCSO Nash when he is back.
· Dave Burton L&F PC – We are disappointing our residents when they keep thinking there will be an Officer in attendance or a report, so we have now taken it off our agenda.
· Cllr McLennan – It would be sad if we didn’t get a presence, the whole thing about Community Policing is the representative at PC meetings. Let them carry on being seen where they can be. Answer: I want to be visible and I want to engage, I will do as much as I can with the resources available.