Agenda item

17/12066/FUL: Land to the Rear of 1 Frome Road, Trowbridge, BA14 0DB


Public Participation

Philip Bradley spoke in objection to the application.

David Pringle spoke in objection to the application.

Robert Gillespie, agent, spoke in support of the application.


Steven Vellance, Planning Officer, introduced the report which recommended approval be granted for a change of use of former car park land to a car wash facility with the erection of an enclosed sound proofed building, with new drainage and associated works (Resubmission of 17/05075/FUL).


As part of the case officer’s verbal presentation, Members were advised that the references made to ‘revocation’ on page 85 at paragraphs 4 and paragraph 5 on page 86 should instead have read as ‘nullification’


The key issues were identified as; the principle of the development, impact on neighbouring amenity, impact on highway safety, impact on drainage and the impact on designated heritage assets.


At 17:20, due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting had to move to another venue, at which point, the meeting paused and resumed at 17.30 in the Kennet room.


On the resumption of the meeting, Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. Details were sought on the proposed operating protocols; whether the doors in the new building would be shut whilst the cars were being washed; the amount of noise from the new car wash; what the proposed generators would be used for; what the temperature controls would be during the summer months; clarifying increased pollution levels from cars waiting to go into the car wash; what the land would be used for beyond the fenced off part of the site; whether the size and design of the development would fit in with the local area; and in addition, details were sought on the existing permission on the land and the system for waste water.


Officers reported that the car wash would be able to accommodate up to two cars at a time, the door would open to let the cars in and out and close during the cleaning process operations. That the noise levels would be significantly lower than the current provision as it would be enclosed compared to the existing open air facility; and would be located further from residential boundaries; and that a noise survey had been completed and based on doors being open, there would be an overall betterment compared to the existing arrangements and processes. Members were informed that the generators were required to operate the valeting equipment. No information had been received on temperature controls during the summer months, although experts had inspected the plans and were satisfied. Members were advised that the site was a former car park and is currently used for cars parked up awaiting car wash and valeting.  The size and design of the proposed bespoke car wash facility building had been negotiated by officers.  The height of the building would be lower than the adjacent barn on the neighbouring land and would not appear out of keeping or visually obtrusive from the public realm or nearby conservation area.  The building materials were also subject to officer negotiation and the use of brick would reflect the material used for the housing nearby.  Officers advised Members that the building would be sympathetic to the surroundings.


Members were also informed that in addition to the consented car wash facility, the site also benefited from two residential permissions, once comprising the conversion and adaption of the former Ship Inn public house and the construction of a block of flats at the rear of the site.


Members were informed that if this current application was to be supported it would be essential for the Council to secure the applicants/land owners agreement to surrender the extant planning permission for the open air car wash facility upon the commencement on any implemented development pursuant to this development to avoid two car wash facilities operating on the site.


Members of the public, as detailed above, had the opportunity to speak on the application. 


The local member Councillor Steven Palmen spoke on the application noting that the Town Council were concerned that the area was being over industrialised and that he had concerns about the intensification of the use of the site by virtue of the proposed extended hours of operation and having concerns about the design of the new building.


A motion was moved to refuse the application by Councillor Stewart Palmen and was seconded by Councillor Edward Kirk.


A debate followed which included a discussion about potentially amending the hours of operation.


At the end of the debate it was;




To refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed intensification of use of the site and of the hours of operation, to include weekend working, would have an adverse impact on the amenities of nearby residents arising from the activities on site, such that they would be contrary to Core Policy 57 of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy."


2.    The proposed car wash building size, height, mass and unrelated design in a prominent location would create a visually incongruous and discordant feature that would be contrary to Core Policy 57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, as adopted 2015”.


Supporting documents: