Agenda item

18/00457/FUL - Court Farm, Lower Woodford, SP4 6NQ

Energy Storage Capacity Mechanism Plant to Support the National Grid.


Public Participation

Joe Studholm spoke in Objection to the application

John Kirkman CPRE spoke in Objection to the application

Martin Giles spoke in Objection to the application

Rob Foster spoke on behalf of Durnford PC

Richard Soar spoke on behalf of Woodford PC


The Senior Planning Officer, Richard Nash introduced the report which detailed an application for an Energy Storage Capacity Mechanism Plant to Support the National Grid. The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


It was explained that a list of specific sites that the applicant had looked at had not been provided.  The applicant had tried to use the contours and existing plantations of the land to try and screen the site as much as possible.


The site was supported by an Ecology report, a Noise report, a Heritage Impact Assessment and Landscaping appraisal.


The site was currently mainly grade 3 agricultural land.


In addition to the security fencing to the boundaries, the Ecologist had requested some additional screening along one side.


The system worked by responding to variations in grid frequency. It was said to be able to deliver power to the locality as well as further afield, however this was not verified.


Late correspondence was circulated at the meeting.


There had been a high level of local objection. There had been amendments to conditions 4,6,7 & 8.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer, where he noted that he was not aware whether Highways had physically attended site prior to submitting their response.


The proposed installation was believed to be capable of directing the stored energy to wherever it was needs on the national grid.


Central Government was supportive in principle of installations such as this, however the applicant was not obliged to provide a list of alternative sites and the reasons for discounting them.


This type of installation was new in the south of the county however, some other sites had been approved in northern areas of Wiltshire.


Any extension of the site would require further planning permission.

Members of the Public then had the opportunity to present their views, as detailed above. Some of the main points included that many of the parishioners had written to oppose the scheme, not one had supported it.


The noise created by the equipment would be intrusive to all around, forever.


There had been no evidence of alternative local sites which had been considered. Such as brown sites or other pylon sites.


The proposed site was in a prominent rural location.


The gap between supply and demand with electricity continues to grow.

Battery storage systems like this play a good role in bridging that gap.


The Division Member Cllr Hewitt then spoke in objection to the application, noting that the applicant has not stated whether they had looked at other brownfield sites. He felt that there was no more prominent position than this.


He highlighted issues associated with the large vehicular movements required during construction.


Cllr Westmoreland then moved the motion for a site visit. This was seconded by Cllr Hewitt. The Committee requested that a Highways Officer and a Landscape Officer also attend.



That application 18/00457/FUL be deferred pending a site visit with a representative from Highways and a Landscape Officer in attendance.

Supporting documents: