Agenda item

A.17/10539/WCM and B.17/10543/WCM: A. Variation of conditions 3 & 4 of Planning Permission N/09/01497/WCM (Extension to a Sand Quarry and Infilling with Waste) to extend the end date of mineral extraction until 17 October 2029 and to extend the end date of restoration by landfill until 31 December 2042. B. Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 13/05229/WCM (Extension of mineral and landfill operations) to extend the operational end date of the landfill until 31 August 2028 and complete subsequent restoration by 31 August 2029, Lower Compton, Old Camp Farm Mineral Extraction and Landfill Compton Bassett and Low Lane Landfill, Lower Compton, SN11 8RB: Applicant: Hills Waste Solutions Ltd

A report by the Case Officer is attached.


The Committee received a presentation by the Case Officer which set out the issues in respect of the application with a recommendation that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions and the completion of a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Planning Acts to address highway matters.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions.


After some discussion, on the proposal of Cllr Tony Trotman, which was seconded by Cllr Andrew Davis,




(A)         Application 17/10539/WCM


To grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement within six months of the date of the resolution of this Committee to provide a Traffic Management Plan and subject to the following conditions:-


1)         The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason:        To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act            1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2)         Written notification of the date of commencement shall be sent to the Mineral Planning Authority within seven days of such commencement.


Reason:        To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to monitor the operations and to ensure           compliance with this permission.


3)         The extraction of sand shall cease on or before 24th May 2029.


Reason:        To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details.


4)        The tipping/deposit of waste material and restoration operations shall cease on or before 24 May 2042.


Reason:        To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details.


5)         The working, restoration and aftercare of the site shall be carried out only in accordance with Drawings Nos. 6304-5000-001 RRC Landfill Restoration Pre Settlement and 6304-5000-002 RRC Landfill Restoration Post Settlement.

Reason:        To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to adequately control the development and minimise its impact on the amenities of the local area.


6)         Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order amending, replacing or re-enacting that Order) no fixed plant or machinery, buildings and structures shall be erected, extended, installed, re-arranged, replaced, repaired or altered at the site without planning permission from the Mineral Planning Authority.


Reason:        To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to adequately control the development and minimise its impact on the amenities of the local area.


7)         No topsoil, subsoil or overburden shall be exported from the site.


Reason:        To ensure the satisfactory restoration of the site.


8)         Except in emergencies to maintain safe quarry working (which shall be notified to the Mineral Planning Authority in writing within seven days) no mineral extraction operations, including vehicles entering or leaving the site, shall be carried out at the site except between the times:-

            07.00 hours and 20.00 hours Monday to Friday;      


07.00 hours to 13.00 hours Saturday;

No operations shall be carried out at any time on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason:        In the interests of local amenity.


9)         Except in emergencies to maintain safe landfill working (which shall be notified to the Waste Planning Authority in writing within seven days) there shall be no tipping of waste or associated activities, including vehicles entering or leaving the site, other than during the following hours:-

            07.00 hours and 20.00 hours Monday to Friday; and

            07.00 hours to 13.00 hours Saturday;

and shall not take place on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays other than as indicated below:-

The site may in addition be open solely for the receipt of waste from household recycling centres and the Wiltshire Council municipal waste collection service between the following hours:-

07.00 hours to 20.00 hours Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May Bank Holiday,             Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday;

13.00 hours to 20.00 hours on Saturdays immediately following, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, Summer Bank           Holiday and Christmas Day/Boxing Day Holidays; and

13.00 hours to 20.00 hours on the two consecutive Saturdays that immediately follows New Year’s Day.

Operations shall not take place on Sundays or on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or New Year’s Day.


Reason:        In the interests of local amenity.

10)      No minerals except sand shall be removed from the site.

Reason:        To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details.


11)      No waste other than that defined as inert shall be tipped within the area shaded blue on Drawing No. COM/2500/G/21A dated February 2001 of planning permission N.01.2803 and this area shall be restored in accordance with Condition 20 below.


Reason:        To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details.

12)      Topsoil and subsoil and soil making material shall only be stripped when they are in a dry and friable condition and no movement, spreading or levelling of soils shall occur:

(a)       During the months October to March (inclusive)

(b)       When the full depth of soil to be stripped has a moisture content which is equal to or greater than that at which the soil becomes plastic, tested in accordance with the ‘Worm Test’ as set out in BS 1377:1975 - ‘British Standard Method Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes’ or

(c)       There are pools of water on the soil surface.


Reason:        To prevent damage to soils.


13)      All topsoil, subsoil and soil making materials shall be stored separately and in separate mounds which shall:

(a)       Not exceed 3 metres in height in the case of topsoil, or 5 metres in height in the case of subsoils.

(b)       Be constructed with only the minimum amount of soil compaction to ensure stability and shaped so as to avoid collection of water in surface undulations.

(c)       Not be subsequently moved or added to until required for restoration.

(d)       Have a minimum 3 metre stand-off, undisturbed around each storage mound.

(e)       Comprise topsoils on like texture topsoils and subsoils on like texture subsoils.


Reason:      To prevent the loss of soil for restoration and minimise damage to soil structure during storage.

14)      All undisturbed areas of the site and all topsoil, subsoil and overburden storage mounds shall be kept free of agricultural weeds such as thistle, dock and ragwort. Cutting, grazing and spraying shall be undertaken as necessary to control plant growth and prevent the production of seed and the spread of weeds to adjoining agricultural land.


Reason:        To prevent the spread of agricultural weeds.


15)      Noise levels from operations on the site shall not exceed 55 dB(A) LAeq (1 hour) at any residential or noise sensitive property, the measurement to be taken at not less than 3.5 metres from the façade and at a height of 1.5 metres above ground level except during temporary operations when the limit shall be 70 dB(A) LAeq (1 hour) measured in the same manner.


Reason:        To safeguard the amenity of local residents and adjacent properties and land users.


16)      Steps shall be taken to minimise the generation and emission of noise, dust and fumes from any use or operation authorised or required by this planning permission. Such steps shall include:

(a)       The spraying of water to lay dust on the surface of the site, access and haul roads as appropriate.

(b)       The spraying of water to lay dust on the surface of stockpiles within the site as appropriate.

(c)       The proper use of wheel cleaning facilities by vehicles leaving the site.

(d)       Fitting all plant, machinery and vehicles with effective silencers maintained in accordance with the manufacturers specifications.


Reason:        To safeguard the amenity of local residents and adjacent properties and land users.


17.       The scheme for controlling scavenging birds, approved pursuant to Condition 14 of planning permission N.01.2803 shall apply for the duration of all operations hereby permitted.


Reason:        To prevent increased aviation hazard through potential for birdstrike.


18.       Within six months of the date of this permission being implemented, a detailed scheme to accommodate surface water run-off from the restored site shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority for approval. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.


Reason:        To ensure the adequate drainage of the site.

19.       The site access and hard surfaced areas used by vehicles shall be watered or treated with approved dust laying agent at times as may be necessary to prevent dust nuisance arising from the site.


Reason:        To safeguard the amenity of the area and local residents.


20.       Within a period not exceeding 12 months of a phase being tipped and sealed to its pre final level, it shall be covered with a layer of subsoil at least 300 mm in depth and topsoil 150 mm in depth.


Reason:        To ensure the productive afteruse of the land.


21.       Within 12 months of the date of this permission, a landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Mineral Planning Authority. The scheme shall include the following:

(a)       The position, species and sizes of all existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained and the proposal for protection throughout the operations.

(b)       The position, species, spacing and initial sizes of all new trees, hedges and shrubs.

(c)       The programme of implementation of the scheme.

(d)       The arrangements for subsequent maintenance.

(e)       Any tree or shrub which dies within five years of being planted shall be replaced with new stock to the satisfaction of the Mineral Planning Authority and be maintained for a period of five years.


Reason:        To improve the appearance of the site in the interests of visual amenity and to assist in absorbing the site back into the local landscape.


22.       On completion of the importation of all landfill material, all machinery, plant, buildings, structures and any other site facility not essential for restoration/aftercare or for continuing landfill gas/leachate monitoring and control shall be removed or demolished and removed from the site.  Any hardcore or material likely to interfere with the restoration of the land shall be removed prior to the final seeding and cultivation of the land.


Reason:        To ensure the satisfactory restoration of the site.


23.       All internal haul roads shall be removed when no longer required or during the course of site restoration, whichever is the sooner.


Reason:        To ensure the satisfactory restoration of the site.


24.       Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, an aftercare scheme showing the steps to be taken to restore the physical characteristics of the land to a condition suitable for agriculture shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority. The submitted scheme shall specify the steps to be taken and the periods during which they are to be ``taken and related to the restoration of the site in accordance with the conditions of this permission. The steps to be taken shall cover a period of five years from the completion and reinstatement of topsoils over the site.


Reason:        In the interests of safeguarding and enhancing the visual amenities of the site.


25)      Within 6 months of the date of this decision a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. The content of the LEMP shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a)       Description and evaluation of features to be managed.

(b)       Ecological trends and constraints on site that might influence management.

(c)       Aims and objectives of management.

(d)       Appropriate management options for achieving aims and objectives.

(e)       Prescriptions for management actions.

(f)        Preparation of a work schedule (including an annual work plan capable of being rolled forward on an annual basis).

(g)       Details of the persons, body or organisation responsible for implementation of the plan.

(h)       Ongoing monitoring and remedial measures.

(i)         Details of the legal and funding mechanisms by which the long-term implementation of the plan will be secured by the developer with the management bodies responsible for its delivery.


The plan shall also set out how contingencies and remedial action will be identified, agreed and implemented so that the development still delivers the fully functioning biodiversity objectives of the originally approved scheme. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved LEMP.


Reason:        To ensure appropriate on-going management of the land to ensure fully functioning landscape and biodiversity objectives of the originally approved scheme and in order to protect and enhance biodiversity and landscape features within the subject site.


In the event that the parties do not agree to complete the S106 agreement within this timeframe to delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to refuse Planning Permission for the following reason:-


o      The application proposal fails to provide and secure the proposed and necessary Traffic Management Plan and is therefore contrary to Core Policies 8, 60, 61 and 62 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and Policies WDC2 and WDC11 of the Waste Development Control Policies DPD.



(B)         Application 17/10543/WCM


To grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement within six months of the date of the resolution of this Committee to provide a Traffic Management Plan and subject to the following conditions:-


1.      Written notification of the date of each of the following operations shall be sent to the Mineral Planning Authority within 7 days of such operations taking place:

a)         implementation of this planning permission;

b)        commencement of soil stripping in each phase;

c)         completion of restoration of each phase; and

d)        completion of final restoration under this planning permission;


REASON:        To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to monitor the operations and compliance with the planning permission.


2.      Extraction of minerals shall cease by the 31st December 2018.


REASON:        To comply with Schedule 5, Part I (1) (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and to ensure development is carried out in accordance with submitted application and approved details.


3.      The deposition of waste at the site shall cease no later than 31st August 2028.  Within 12 months of the completion of landfilling the site shall be restored in accordance with the approved development scheme submitted in application no. N/06/007009 dated 14 March 2006 and scheme approved under Condition 4 of this permission.


REASON:        To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to adequately control the development and minimise its impact on the amenities of the local area.


4.      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved working programme and restoration plans:


           Drawing No. 6774-001C dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-002C dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-003C dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-004 dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-005C dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-006C dated February 2011

           Drawing No. 6774-007C dated February 2011


REASON:      For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure development is carried out in accordance with the approved application details.


5.         No later than 12 months from the cessation of tipping, all plant and machinery, foundations, hardstandings and access roads no longer required in connection with the workings, restoration or future agricultural use of the site shall be removed from the site.


REASON:      In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


6.         All commercial mineral vehicles leaving the Lower Compton

site with mineral shall be sheeted. Commercial waste vehicles leaving the Lower Compton site shall be checked to ensure they have been completely emptied of waste.


REASON:      For the avoidance of windblown dust and litter.


7.         No commercial vehicle shall enter the public highway unless its wheels and chassis have been cleaned to prevent mud, dust or other detritus being deposited on the highway.


REASON:      In the interests of highway safety and to prevent mud being deposited on the highway.


8.         Notwithstanding the provisions of Parts 19 and 21 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order amending, replacing or re-enacting that Order) no fixed plant or machinery, buildings, structures or private ways shall be erected, extended, installed, rearranged, replaced, repaired or altered at the site without prior planning permission.


REASON:      There is an important need to secure control over additional plant and machinery to safeguard the adjacent Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation.


9.         Except in emergencies to maintain safe working (which shall be notified to the Mineral Planning Authority in writing within seven days), no mineral extraction operations, including vehicles entering and leaving the site, shall be carried out at the site except between the hours of:

                        07.00 hours – 18.00 hours Monday to Friday;

                        07.00 hours – 13.00 hours Saturday;

No operations shall be carried out at any time on Sunday, Bank and Public Holidays.

Except in emergencies to maintain safe landfill working (which shall be notified to the Waste Planning Authority in writing within seven days) there shall be no tipping of waste or associated activities, including vehicles entering or leaving the site, other than during the following hours:

                        07.00 hours and 18.00 hours Monday to Friday; and

                        0.700 hours and 13.00 hours Saturday;

and shall not take place on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays other than as indicated below:

The site may in addition be open solely for the receipt of waste from household recycling centres and the Wiltshire Council municipal waste collection service between the following hours:

07.00 hours and 18.00 hours Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May Bank             Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, Summer Bank Holiday, and any special bank             holidays announced in a particular year by HM Government;

                        13.00 hours to 18.00 hours on Saturdays immediately following the Christmas Day and Boxing Day holidays; and

                        13.00 hours and 18.00 hours on two consecutive Saturdays that immediately follow New Year’s Day.


REASON:      To protect the amenities of local residents.


10.       All vehicles, plant and machinery operated within the site shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification at all times and shall be fitted with, and use, effective silencers.  No reversing bleepers or other means of warning of reversing vehicles shall be fixed to, or used on, any mobile site plant other than white noise alarms or bleepers whose noise levels adjust automatically to surrounding noise levels.


REASON:      To ensure the minimum disturbance from operations.


11.       During the permitted working hours the freefield equivalent continuous noise level (LAeq 1 hour) for the period due to normal mineral extraction and processing and waste importing and processing operations, excluding temporary operations (see condition below), shall not exceed 55 dB(A) as recorded at any inhabited property.


REASON:      To ensure the minimum disturbance from operations and avoidance of nuisance to the local community.


12.       During the permitted working hours the freefield equivalent continuous noise level (LAeq 1 hour) for the period due to temporary operations, including topsoil and subsoil stripping, cell construction and capping and other works in connection with landscaping, shall not exceed 70 dB LAeq 1 hour as recorded at any inhabited property.  Temporary operations which exceed the normal day-to-day criterion shall be limited to a total of sixteen weeks in any twelve month period.


REASON:      To ensure the minimum disturbance from operations and avoidance of nuisance to the local community.


13.       The approved Dust Suppression and Minimising Measures scheme prepared by Land and Mineral Management Ltd dated 8 August 2007 shall be implemented in full and shall be complied with at all times.


REASON:      To protect the amenities of the locality from the effects of any dust arising from the development.


14.       No movement of soil shall be carried out except when the full depth of soil to be stripped or otherwise transported is in a suitably dry condition such that the topsoil can be separated from the subsoil without difficulty.  All available topsoil and subsoil must be stripped, handled and stored separately and all stripping, handling, and restoration shall take place under dry conditions to minimise structural damage.


REASON:      In the interests of the satisfactory restoration of the site.


15.       All topsoil and subsoil stripped prior to mineral extraction shall be stored separately and retained on-site for use in site restoration. No indigenous topsoil or subsoil shall be used for daily cover during operations. No overburden shall be exported from the site until the soil screening bund to the east of the working areas has been completed.


REASON:      To ensure that the site is satisfactorily restored.


16.       The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Landscaping Planting and Management Plan set out in prepared by Peter Swann & Associates dated 8 August 2007 in all respects.


REASON:      In the interest of the visual amenity of the local area and to safeguard the adjacent Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


17.       The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Aftercare Scheme prepared by Land and Mineral Management Ltd dated 8 August 2007 in all respects.


REASON:      To ensure the productive afteruse of the land and to ensure the success of the newly created habitats.


18.       The stand-off zone between the boundary of the development and existing hedges and woodland shall be clearly defined by a fence with driven posts and shall be maintained for the life of operations on site. The stand-off distances shall be as follows:

Hedges - 4.0 metres stand-off from the drip line of the hedge to the foot of the bund Hedges with trees - 5.0 metres stand-off from the drip line of the tree to the foot of the bund

No placement of goods, fuels or chemicals, soils or other materials shall take place inside the fenced area.


REASON:      To ensure that the development does not encroach on existing planting causing root damage and to conserve the habitat at the woodland/hedge edge as a feeding/refuge corridor for wildlife.


19.       The capped landfill site shall be covered with a minimum 0.8 metres even depth of subsoil and 0.2 metres even depth of topsoil in the correct sequence.  The quality of soil shall be appropriate for the site and its proposed restoration.  The finished surface shall be left free from rubble and stones


REASON:      To ensure that the site is satisfactorily restored.

20.       The clearance of woodland and felling of trees shall only take place between the end of August and the beginning of March, or following a search by a qualified person for active birds nest.


REASON:      To avoid the nominal bird nesting season.


21.       The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Surface Water Management Plan prepared by Atkins Ltd dated 13 July 2007 and additional details provided in the letter from Atkins to Land and Mineral Management Ltd dated 9 November 2007 in all respects.


REASON:      To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to prevent pollution of the water environment and to ensure that surface water drainage facility functions for the lifetime of the development.


22.       Any chemical, oil or fuel storage on the site shall be sited on an impervious surface with bund walls.  The bunded areas shall be capable of containing 110% of the container(s) total volume and shall enclose within their cartilage all fill and draw pipes, vents and gauges.  There shall be no drain through the bund floor or walls.


REASON:      To minimise the risk of pollution of watercourses.


23)      Within 6 months of the date of this decision a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. The content of the LEMP shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a)       Description and evaluation of features to be managed.

(b)       Ecological trends and constraints on site that might influence management.

(c)       Aims and objectives of management.

(d)       Appropriate management options for achieving aims and objectives.

(e)       Prescriptions for management actions.

(f)        Preparation of a work schedule (including an annual work plan capable of being rolled forward on an annual basis).

(g)       Details of the persons, body or organisation responsible for implementation of the plan.

(h)       Ongoing monitoring and remedial measures.

(i)         Details of the legal and funding mechanisms by which the long-term implementation of the plan will be secured by the developer with the management bodies responsible for its delivery.


The plan shall also set out how contingencies and remedial action will be identified, agreed and implemented so that the development still delivers the fully functioning biodiversity objectives of the originally approved scheme. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved LEMP.


Reason:        To ensure appropriate on-going management of the land to ensure fully functioning landscape and biodiversity objectives of the originally approved scheme and in order to protect and enhance biodiversity and landscape features within the subject site.


In the event that the parties do not agree to complete the S106 agreement within this timeframe to delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to refuse Planning Permission for the following reason:-


o      The application proposal fails to provide and secure the proposed and necessary Traffic Management Plan and is therefore contrary to Core Policies 8, 60, 61 and 62 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and Policies WDC2 and WDC11 of the Waste Development Control Policies DPD.








Supporting documents: