Agenda item

Area Board funding review for 2017/18

The Area Board will hear directly from previous grant recipients about the outcomes achieved from the use of this funding.


The Area Board heard from previous grant recipients about the outcomes they had achieved after receiving a grant from the Area Board.


David Barton - Kilmington & Stourton Cricket Club

Grants received from the Board over the years have helped towards Gang Mowers and practice equipment, and electric score board, and kit for the under 19s team. We are ggrateful for your support ad would not have been able to have done all of this without the funding we have received.


John Jordan – Mere Footpath Group

The purpose of our project was to get more people to walk. We invited everyone to join us for a walk around Great Bottom, where they were asked to pay £5. The funds raised went to provide kissing gates and self-closing gates on all of the paths around Mere.


Over the past 5 years we have been improving the footpaths of Mere. On the day of the walk, 97 people turned up to take part, the youngest was 4 years old, the oldest was 92 years old. At the end we gave everyone a goodie bag. The main donor was the Area Board, so thanks to you for your support.


Hoping to run the event next year, and our aim would be to have 200 participants.


Nick WharmbyBowerchalke Village Hall

We had a £5k grant to do up the village hall as it was in a pretty bad state. The toilets were out dated and had deteriorated, and we had a leaking roof. Following the works, the toilet is now of a mobility class standard.

 We raised 2/3 of the money needed for the project, the process was quick and simple and the support Steve gave us was great. This has made a real difference to the hall and for those that use it. All of the local businesses either did their bit at cost or gave a reduction as we are a charity.


We now need help to move our next project forward, we have been trying to have a disabled parking space sign panted on a space outside, but have been passes from one department to another. Cllr Wayman would speak to Ringway to see if they can clarify the way forward.


Steve Harris – Salamander

As a result of the Boards generous funding, the following was possible:

        15 students started the course (3 females and 12 males)

        13 students successfully completed the 5 day programme and achieved AQA Award in Fire Services Training

        77% of participants reported the same or an increase in overall personal confidence

        100% of participants reported the same or an increase in comfort when taking on new challenges

        85% of participants reported the same or an increase in their problem solving skills

        92% of participants reported the same or an increase in awareness on how their actions and behaviour can impact others




Zoe Cupit – Wilton Community Land Trust

This was a voluntary, not for profit organisation, working to provide affordable business opportunities for small businesses.

Last year we were awarded Area Board funding for our pop-up week and our big lunch, which was hosted by Wilton shopping village. Tis event attracted 1500 visitors. Thanks to the Area Board’s continued support.


Mike Ash and John Gibbon – Chalke Valley speed indicator device

The main road through the village was the C12, which was an unusually straight 30mph road where everyone speeds.


The Board met 50% of the cost for us to buy a new device to use.  Following discussion, Bishopstone, Broadchalke and Bowerchalke decided to share a device.


The device we chose works well on the solar charge as well on a long charge.

The effectiveness of its use does become less so over time, however we have found that sharing it across the three villages works well, as we also site it in different places within the three villages.


Thanks to the Board for its contribution as it has helped to keep the speed down through our village.


Steve Harris - Music on your doorstep project

A DVD was shown detailing the project, to view click on the link:


A day of musical activities took place in Mere school. A West African drumming group has now been set up and they run a weekly session in the school as that was the most popular.


WW1 Australia Badge – Helen Roberts

We are a registered charity, set up last year to restore a WW1 chalk badge.

Hurdcott camp once held up to 4000 soldiers at any one time. Australians took over camp in March 1917.

We have had a lot of help from historic England who are keen to get tis badge re-instated.

Other local badge groups have provided good advice.

The grant paid for public liability insurance that was required, and some chalk. We started on the first letter to test out the process.


Thanks to the Area Board for your grant as we started with nothing.


Peter Edge – Wilton Town Council

This  project started with the idea to replace two notice boards which had been vandalised beyond repair.


During discussions Cllrs became aware that the Business Chamber were considering the need for a Heritage Trail. It was agreed that the Council should explore ways of trying to combine the two projects, essentially map boards and finger sign posts>


Financial contributions were promised and received from the Business Chamber, Wilton Shopping Village, Redrow, the site developers, as well as the Area Board, and four boards were ordered.


Steve Harris noted that as part of the Community Matters website, from today there would be a project bank, where people could obtain information on other projects already completed in the community area. The aim was to build a menu of community projects, detailing examples for people to follow or take ideas from.