Agenda item

18/03584/FUL - Florence House, Romsey Road, Whiteparish, SP5 2SD

Erection of 2 bay garage/outbuilding (Resubmission of 17/00444/FUL)


Public Participation

Steve Young (agent) spoke in support of the application

Trevor King Spoke in Objection on behalf of Whiteparish Parish Council


Planning Officer Christos Chrysanthou presented the application for the erection of a 2 bay garage/outbuilding (Resubmission of 17/00444/FUL). The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


The Officer noted that the previous application had been refused in April 2017. This application differed in that the proposed garage had now moved back 1.5m away from the road, compared to its location on the previous application. The new proposal also included the planting of beech hedging to the front of the site, to provide some screening.


The Parish Council had objected to the proposal and there were two neighbour objections also.


Highways had suggested limiting the height of the proposed hedge to 600mm.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical question of the Officer, where it was noted that the hedge on the front of the property next door was already well over 600mm in height, as there were no current restrictions in the area.


There had not been a pre-application discussion. The dimensions of the proposed garage were W 6.1m, D 5.8m, and H 4.1m to roof ridge.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views, as detailed above.


The Local Ward Member Cllr Richard Britton moved the motion of refusal, against Officer recommendation, on the grounds of, the scale and design of the development, and the visual impact upon the surrounding area, and its relationship to adjoining properties. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.


Cllr Britton noted that the movement back from the road of about 1m did not seem to address any of the reasons for refusal given for the previous application.


The application proposed screening, which Highways stated must be kept to 600mm, therefore it could not be accepted as screening.


He felt that this was a prominent alien feature in this road. The other garages

were set back or careened from the road. The development would have a major impact on the street scene and on the adjoining property Mulberry House, which was slightly set back.


A debate then followed, where they key issues raised included, that other properties in the area which had garages, did not have them at the front.


There would be a negative impact on the neighbour, and the street scene, as this was a large 2 car garage.


The application did not differ in a way to address the reasons for refusal given last time.


The Committee then voted on the motion of refusal.



That application 18/03584/FUL be refused against Officer recommendation for the following reason:


The development proposal is substantially the same as the previously refused scheme (LPA ref: 17/00444/FUL). The proposed garage would be sited directly in front of the main dwellinghouse and would be readily visible in the surrounding street scene, being positioned closer to the road than the existing dwellinghouses. The proposed garage, by reason of its scale, mass and siting would be visually prominent and would have a detrimental impact on the character and setting of the street scene.


The proposed development is therefore considered contrary to the aims and objectives of CP57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.







Supporting documents: