As requested we have arranged for Linda Prosser, Interim Chief Officer of the CCG to come and explain what the CCG does and how it relates to GPs and the NHS and other service providers and organisations in healthcare
The Chairman explained that for the past four months, the Board had tried to organise a speaker from the CCG to attend, to explain were they fit in the overall provision of healthcare.
Linda Prosser, Interim Chief Officer for CCG gave a presentation. A copy of the slides are attached to the minutes.
The CCG was formed so that the GPs that first see you when you are unwell can direct you to a service. They are also the ones who hold the money.
We have a governing body with representation from 3 groups – North East Wiltshire, Sarum & West Wiltshire.
We are here to make sure we get the best health care outcomes for our money.
With £600 million in allocated funds for the entire populations healthcare.
We spend a lot of time trying to create alternatives for people which can be less costly.
We choose how best to spend our money, with half of the money going to hospitals, primary care getting 14% of the budget, and community nurses and podiatry receiving only 7%, which equates to £40 million.
We want to invest more in helping people take care of themselves were possible.
We currently have 49 GP practices, where a year ago we had 54. Some smaller practices are starting to join up with others to survive. Joining up practices can save time on administration and business practices, freeing up time of the doctors to see more people. It’s important to bear in mind that GP Practices are privately-owned businesses.
More people are able to access care in their own homes now than ever before, partly because of the technology we now have available to us.
Salisbury A&E was one of the best in the country last year, this year, over the last few months it has been getting harder to meet targets.
Questions included:
· Where does Healthwatch fit in? Answer: Part of our duty is that we engage the public for an informed opinion. We previously paid Healthwatch to engage the public on our behalf, whereas now, we have started to do some of this work ourselves. We are spread more thinly so we need to find new ways to reach out to harder to reach groups and individuals.
· It is a surprise that Three Chequers was rated as outstanding, as they are going through a difficult phase at the moment. Winterslow surgery has been closed recently without notice and prescriptions have not been released. This has meant that some people have to travel to Porton to collect half a prescription. When surgeries combine, there is past expertise, which could be shared in the process to improve the transition. Answer: These are independent businesses who we have a contract with. There are some teething problems. We can make some enquiries as to why the pharmacy has been closed.
· Talking about keeping people in the community, what is the potential with Adult Social Care and CCG working together? Answer: The relationship between CCG and the Council is the best it has been in years. We are looking at joint posts between us.
· Only 8% of funding is available for Mental Health services. The GPs take is that there is nothing available, so the burden then falls on families to try and help support their loved one. Answer: This is recognised as an issue locally and nationally. Each year we have to get closer to the target, in Wiltshire we exceed that. We are working closely with AWP, mental health provider with adults. We will want to try and get some feedback from groups like this.
· Preventative medicine was mentioned but it was not shown on the pie chart. Answer: This is because it was moved to the local authority.
· Contracts are coming to an end in March for Social Health Care. It is really important that the lessons learnt are taken forward. Answer: We will not decommission it but we will re-commission it.
· You are keen to offer the best health care for every pound spent, so if we had ideas about how money could be better spent, how do we communicate these to you? Answer: Tom will give me your contact and I will respond.