To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:
· Wiltshire Police
· Police and Crime Commissioner
· Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
· Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
· MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
· Transition Marlborough
· Town / Parish Councils
· Marlborough Neighbourhood Plan
Attention was drawn to the written reports from partners attached to the agenda. In addition to the written updates, the following verbal updates were given by partners present.
· Wiltshire Police
Inspector Chris Martin gave a brief update. His new deputy Sergeant Peter Foster had started and there would be a new PCSO, Melissa Camilleri, starting work in Marlborough. Crime was low in the area, however there was an issue with both commercial and dwelling burglaries, so resources would be focused on those. In response to a question from the Chair it was stated that domestic abuse cases were taken very seriously with policies and procedures in place and arrests made where possible.
· Police and Crime Commissioner
Deputy PCC Jerry Herbert introduced himself to the meeting. Since its establishment the role of PCC and the workload had expanded so much that it was now too much for one person. Therefore the PCC had appointed him as deputy PCC on 1st August and he works 2 days a week in that role. One of his objectives was to listen to communities to set appropriate priorities. In response to questions regarding Marlborough Police Station it was stated that the PCC had published a strategy for estates across Wiltshire. Many of the estates were traditional police buildings that were no longer fit for purpose and cost a lot to run and maintain. The vast majority of policing today did not take place over the counter in a police station as it used to, so tying officers to a station in this way was limiting. It was felt that a better strategy was to have a smaller number of bigger hubs. The cost of keeping Marlborough Police Station open would be approximately £70,000 per year, which could pay for 3 PCSO’s. However there would be a local “touchdown” place for police in Marlborough. In response to questions it was stated that Wiltshire was a comparatively safe environment and knife crime was not prevalent here. However funding was an issue. The National level of funding was flat, and Wiltshire was one of the least well-funded forces from general taxation. Council Tax precepts made up the rest of the funding and this was set at a local level. It was very hard to decide what the right level was. Living in a resource strained environment they wanted to make sure they got the best value out of the funds they do have. A suitable base in Marlborough had been identified but was not yet in the public domain. They were looking to share facilities if possible. Once the police station was shut there would not necessarily be any new PCSO’s appointed, but the frontline level of policing would be sustained. Whereas if the police station was kept open frontline levels would be affected.
· Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
Station Manager Greg Izon was in attendance and encouraged the meeting to test their smoke alarms and to be safe if having bonfires. A written report was available at the meeting.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
· Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
· MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
MADT gave an update after having received a youth funding grant from the Area Board. One of their aims was to ensure that young people grew up as confident digital makers rather than passive digital consumers. The funding received was being used to expand the Digital Making Club, running ad hoc workshops and purchasing event equipment, establishing a central management system and developing more advanced projects. Achievements to date included establishing the St John’s Digital Making Club, holding multiple workshops and events including the “Jamming in Marlborough” (Raspberry Jam events using Rasberry Pi’s), upgrading equipment and purchasing new equipment.
· Transition Marlborough
Milly Carmichael gave an update. Transition Marlborough encouraged people to become growers and makers of food rather than passive consumers. A film event had been held, but due to technical issues they had been unable to play the film. However the event was still a success due to the discussion held instead. They may approach the board for funding in the future as mentioned in the agenda supplement.
· Town / Parish Councils
· Marlborough Neighbourhood Plan
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