Agenda item

Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive any update on the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider the following Youth Grants:


·         Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council, £3820.00 for their Lockeridge Youth Club project.




At the request of the grant applicant this item was moved up the agenda to after the Chairman’s Announcements.


Representatives from Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council spoke briefly introducing their grant application for £3820 for their Lockeridge Youth Club project. There had been a very successful youth club pilot scheme in Lockeridge, which regularly had up to 20 children attending. Following this success the parish had decided to set up their own youth club.


The Community Engagement Manager gave more details, stating that this time last year the Area Board funded a scheme of pilot youth clubs in rural areas. The Lockeridge scheme had been the most successful so the Local Youth Network were keen for this to continue. However there was little matched funding for the project in place. The total costs for a year were £4000, the Parish Council had agreed to pay for the village hall, which led to the figure applied for of £3820.00. The LYN did not want the club to lose momentum, however they wanted the club to find more funding from the community and to look at training local volunteers to take over the project. This resulted in the LYN recommendation that the Board offer half the funding to cover the first 6 months, so that the club could establish itself. Then release the remaining funding after receiving proper assurance that future funding will come from the community. Also that the club is resourced with regular volunteers.


Lisa Farrell, Mayor of Marlborough Town Council spoke in support of the project. The Mayor ran Marlborough Youth Club and stated that they were able to secure funding from the community during the first year of operation, after it had been set up using a grant from the Area Board.


Cllr Dobson agreed with the LYN recommendation, reiterating concern that there did not seem to be financial support from the Parish Council or community and that there was a lack of volunteers for the project.


Cllr Davies stated that the Parish Council would be willing to increase its precept in order to fund the project. Volunteers had not yet been secured as the original scheme had been a pilot. Many of the children attending may have financial issues, or issues with transport and therefore had little to do in the evenings. Cllr Davies requested similar consideration for the children of the villages as the children of Marlborough received and felt unhappy at this perceived divide. Cllr Davies also stated that there were significant youth grant funding reserves left from last year.


Cllr Fogg was in agreement with Cllr Dobson. He stated that there was no divide and that active groups are extensively supported. Cllr Fogg felt that the LYN recommendation was fair and the club needed was demonstrate viability within 6 months in order to receive the second tranche of funding.


Lisa Farrell, Mayor, MTC, stated she had kept Marlborough Youth Club running. She did not feel that 6 months was long enough for the club to get set up and demonstrate viability and that the Board should fund them for the full year outright.


The Community Engagement Manager stated that the timings of the application had been rather unfortunate. The parish had not yet met to set the precept for the next year, the finance meeting where this would happen was due to take place the week after the Area Board meeting. So the reason they had not been able to include any parish funding within their grant application details was that the meeting where this would be decided had not yet been held.


Cllr Dobson stated that this was slightly different to what had been understood at the LYN meeting and that they had been told there were no volunteers. He still felt that the LYN recommendation was valid. It was hoped that the parish council could raise their precept and Cllr Dobson was proud that the pilot funded by the LYN had set in motion this new scheme.


Representatives from Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council explained that the youth club does not meet weekly, therefore having to prove viability and recruit and train volunteers within 6 months may be difficult.


The Mayor of Marlborough Town Council stated that the board should not discriminate between rural and urban Marlborough.


A member of the audience stated that young people need something to do and he felt the board should send a clear message of support by funding the project.


Cllr Fogg stated that there was a commitment in principal to fund for one year. All the Board would need was a reassurance of the club’s viability after 6 months.


Cllr Davies felt that providing seed money to the youth club for one year was a good use of funds.


Cllr Dobson stated that the pilot scheme ran for several weeks however no volunteers came forward even though the parents seemed keen that the scheme should continue.


The Chairman asked the parish council to respond.


The representatives stated that the as it was a pilot scheme they did not get much opportunity to speak to parents. If funded by the Area Board they would be able to speak to the parents regarding funding and volunteers.


Cllr Dobson proposed a motion to fund Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council half the money requested (£1910.00) to cover the first 6 months of their Lockeridge Youth Club project, so that the club could get established.  After this 6 month period; having received assurances of community funding and volunteers; the board would release the second half of the funding (as per the LYN recommendation). This motion was seconded by Cllr Nick Fogg.


Following a vote the motion was lost.

Votes for the motion - 2 (Cllr Dobson and Cllr Fogg voted for the motion).

Votes against the motion – 2

Abstained - 0



Cllr James Sheppard then proposed a motion that board fund Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council, £3820.00,  for their Lockeridge Youth Club Project. This motion was seconded by Cllr Jane Davies.


After a vote it was;




To award Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council, £3820.00 for their Lockeridge Youth Club project.


Votes for the motion – 2

Votes against the motion – 2 (Cllr Dobson and Cllr Fogg voted against the motion).

Abstained - 0


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