Agenda item

18/04913/FUL - Duchy Cottage, North Road, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6HG

Removal of Single Garage and Shed on Driveway and Replacement with a Double Garage.


Public Participation

Mr Sheldon spoke in objection to the application

Jenny Ritter spoke in support of the application

Clive Hazzard spoke on behalf of the Town Council


The Planning Officer Christos Chrysanthou presented the application for the removal of a single garage and shed on a driveway and replacement with a double garage. The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


He noted that there was no objection from Highways, subject to conditions.


Previous refusal of an application had gone to appeal, where it had been dismissed by the inspector.


The proposal included a reduction of 60cm to the driveway which would slope down from the road.


Members had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer, where it was noted that the other garage to the right of the applicants was owned by a neighbour.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views as stated above.


The main points included concern of the size of the proposed garage, and the impact it would have on those living next to it, due to blocking out sunlight and the impact on the streetscene. The issue of possible future business use was also raised.


The applicant spoke to clarify some of the points surrounding drainage, windows, building height and proposed use.


Mere Town Council spoke in objection to the application noting that it felt this proposal did not address the previous reasons for refusal. It felt that the site would be readily visible in the streetscene and the proposed scale and mass would have an overbearing impact on 1 Duchy Cottages. Adding that whilst the proposed garage was an improvement, it was unnecessary to be so large. It was requested that if the application was to be approved, could a condition be included to prevent the garage from being used for commercial practices.


The Division Member Cllr George Jeans then spoke in objection to the application, noting that in the past the garage and its associated house had been to committee before, an application had been to an inspector regarding the garage. It was refused, on harm caused to the character and appearance of the area.


The building would not be reduced by 1m when you walk along the road. He felt that the proposal showed no respect for the Officers recommendation, and asked whether enough been done to overcome the inspectors refusal.



Cllr Jeans then moved the motion of refusal against Officers recommendation. This was seconded by Cllr Dalton


A debate then followed, where they key issues raised included that the proposal included a 30% reduction in size, and whether that addressed the concerns of the inspector.


There was already a smaller garage on the site, and at some point it was likely that the garage would need to be replaced.


The Inspectors report noted the impact of the previous proposal, and the impact on the streetscene primarily and not the impact of the bulk, so to accept that as this was a smaller development, the Committee considered whether the proposals addressed the adverse impact on the streetscene.


The Committee then voted on the motion of refusal.


This motion was not carried.


The Chairman then moved the motion of approval in line with Officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Cllr Britton.


The Committee then voted on the motion to add a condition to the Approval to restrict the window to a closed window.


This motion was not carried.


The Committee then voted on the motion to add a condition to restrict the garage to prevent commercial use. This motion was carried.


The Committee then voted on the complete motion of Approval with the condition to restrict use to non-commercial.



That application 18/04913/FUL be Approved with conditions:

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