Agenda item

18/02580/OUT - Land Adjacent 1 Witt Road, Winterslow, SP5 1PL

Erection of 4 houses, garages, parking and access following the demolition of the 3 existing buildings (Outline application relating to access and layout)


Public Participation

Chris Ward spoke in support of the application


The Planning Team Leader Adam Madge presented the outline application for the erection of 4 houses, garages, parking and access following the demolition of the 3 existing buildings (Outline application relating to access and layout). The application was recommended for refusal.


It was noted that Highways had raised concerns.


The Officer drew attention to late correspondence that had been circulated at the meeting.


There were two reasons for refusal, one related to the narrowness of the lane, and the other was due to the site being part of the Site Allocations Plan, therefore it was felt that this application was premature.


Members had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer, where it was noted that the late correspondence detailed an error in the report, relating to the Parish Council, it was confirmed that the Parish Council objected to the application.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views as stated above.


The Agent addressed some of the issues raised in relation to the adoption of the Site Allocation Plan, and stated that in time this site would be included in the settlement boundary.


He queried why this was the first he had known of the drainage concern, as it had not been made aware to them ahead of the meeting, he suggested a deferral to allow time for them to respond.


The Division Member Cllr Chris Devine then spoke, and apologised for calling this application in, adding that the application had no merit whatsoever.


Never on the neighbourhood plan. Witt Road was one of the most cramped roads in Winterslow, and was a single vehicle road. To put more vehicles on this road was the last thing we would need. This proposal was an inappropriate development. He supported the recommendation for refusal.


Cllr Devine then moved the motion of refusal in line with Officers recommendation. This was seconded by Cllr Britton.


A debate then followed, where they key issues raised included that the drainage report had not been provided until now, and Highways object as the road was inadequate to take any more use.


The Committee then voted on the motion of refusal.




That application 18/02580/OUT be refused for the following reasons:


  1. The application site is situated outside of the defined limits of development as set out within Core Policies CP1, CP2 and CP23 of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy and the associated policies maps. Whilst the application site has been included in the draft Wiltshire Housing Sites Allocation Plan (WHSAP), the WHSAP is not yet formally part of the development plan for the area. The proposal is therefore considered premature and contrary to the Plan-led approach for housing intended to be delivered through the Neighbourhood Planning and Site Allocation processes. As the Council is able to demonstrate a five year supply of housing land, and there is no over-riding need at this time for development in this location, the presumption against development applies until such time as the site may be allocated for development by the Council or local community. The proposal is therefore contrary to Core Policies CP1, CP2 and CP23 of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy, the emerging Winterslow Neighbourhood Plan, and the aims of the NPPF, which advocates a plan-led approach.
  2. The development is considered unacceptable in terms of the access to the site from Witt Road (by reason of Witt Roads restricted width, lack of pedestrian facilities and substandard junction onto The Common), is considered to be unsuitable to serve the proposed development and the increase in vehicular and pedestrian movements that this will generate. In these respects the proposal is considered discordant with Core Policies CP57 and CP64 of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy.


Supporting documents: