To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:
The Chairman made the following announcements:
· Regular attendee, Roger Yeates, had passed away on New Year’s Day. He was a valued contributor at the Area Board and would be missed.
· The CATG meeting scheduled for 13th February had been cancelled due to insufficient business. The next CATG meeting would now be held on 3rd April.
The Great British Spring Clean Event – The Council was seeking guidance on whether this annual event would be promoted following the Salisbury and Amesbury Novichok events, as advice previous issued was not to pick up anything you had not dropped. Until this was resolved the Council would not be running the initiative.
The Chairman said that Parishes were able to organise their own events; however, subsequent to this Wiltshire Council’s Recovery Co-ordinating Group has made the decision not to request that Public Health England reviews the guidance that it issued in the summer: namely “if you didn’t drop it, don’t pick it up”. This advice therefore remains in place. However, Wiltshire Council is considering how it could provide additional litter picks in the south of the county until such time as the guidance is reviewed and will be able to update Councillors shortly.
If parishes did organise an event, would the rubbish still be collected by the council? Answer: The CEM would enquire whether there were arrangements to collect the rubbish, and would feedback.
Boundary Commission Proposals
Cllr Clewer gave an update on the proposals from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) which had just been released.
The LGBCE had sent through a number of maps, which were currently being converted for printing. Many of the proposals for the county seemed sensible, while in other areas they were more inconsistent.
In particular in Westbury & Laverstock there were proposals for unnecessary split rural and urban divisions which the Wiltshire Council submission tried to avoid.
A consultation was underway and would run until 15th April. Anyone can take part and submit comments. This was the last chance to have any influence in the process.
For the Southern Area, the proposals are for a Winterslow and Alderbury Division, a Downton and Whiteparish Division and a Redlynch and Landford Division.
The LGBCE propose that Laverstock should be split in to three divisions, two of those include large parts of Salisbury.
They suggest that St Marks and Bishopdown remains as it stands.
That a Salisbury Milford and Laverstock south division are grouped together including Clarendon Park.
They also suggest Laverstock North Division including Longhedge, Old Sarum Ford and the Parish of Firsdown.
Britford and Odstock become part of the Fovant and Chalke Valley division, taking them out of the Southern Wiltshire Community Area.
These proposals would potentially reduce the Southern Wiltshire Area Board to a three Member Board. We currently have other area boards with three Members and they struggle.
The impact this would have on the Board would be significantly less funding. Five Members is as low as an Area Board wants to go to be effective.
If you do feel strongly it is time for you to be heard in the strongest way.
Questions and comments included: