Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Police

b)    Fire: ‘We are DWFire’ video

c)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

d)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

e)    Salisbury BID

f)      Community Engagement Manager

g)    Air Quality Group

h)    Child Wellbeing Group

i)      Crime & Community Safety Update



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.


Deputy PCC Jerry Herbert gave an overview of the proposed increase to the precept. A DVD was played before and during the meeting and can be viewed online. 


This year central Government made a headline announcement on how much it was willing to increase the funding for its services. They have given us the powers to raise that for up to £2 per month for a typical D band property.


The cost was typically £15/month, with the increase this would go up to £17/month for the Policing aspect. If we are unable to raise the precept we are unable to maintain the level of Policing that we have today. We have a plan to invest in Community Policing, and intend to recruit a further 41 Police Officers in the new financial year. This would be as two Cyber units, with five new officers. Other additions in Fraud, Child Sexual Exploitation, second area in increasing the roads and Armed Forces, and finally 15 officers into local Community Policing teams.


The consultation would run until 31st Jan.


Questions included:


  • Why do you need Policemen to carry out the online tracking of abuse?  Answer: Because there are certain areas that require a warrant for enforcement.
  • Cllr Walsh – the SCC were currently funding two security officers, so really, we are asking our citizens to fund this twice. We have filled the gaps locally.
  • Cllr Hoque – Would there be more of a selling point, how sure are we that we will get that number of new officers after the increase. Answer: We are sure we will deliver on this. We already have candidates that have been vetted and will go on with their training.
  • Cllr Dalton – In a Twitter tweet from the PCC, he said that officer numbers had reduced by 23%, this will go some way to bring that number back up. Is the journal report of the 999 support being reduced accurate? Answer: We are looking to take todays number of Officers up by 41. The contribution the Government makes to funding Police has gone down. There are gaps, and this can only be funded by increasing the precept. There will be some changes with the control room, and likely to involve some changes in job roles. The speed with which 101 and 999 calls are answered has improved. We need to continue to adjust the numbers and types of man power there to reflect the changes in the way people report incidents.
  • In your opinion what staff levels do you think you need to do a proper job? Answer: That is a matter for the Chief Constable to advise on. Yes we could do more with more staff, but it’s a matter of how we manage what we have and direct our resources where they can be most valuable.
  • There has been an increase in flytipping, speeding, and vandalism. If there are not enough Police to uphold the law, it will increase, I think having a decent  Police presence is worth the increase.
  • The Police resources being used in Christie Miller Rd has been extensive, how much does that cost? Answer: I cannot tell you the specifics at Christie Miller Road, however the Home Office has agreed to pay the additional costs involved. We anticipate that there is still an amount to come back, and we would put this forward once we have all of the final bills in from all forces.


Police – Inspector John Hutchings

Proud of the service that we provide as Wiltshire Police across the whole of the county, not just in the south. Full update provided in the pack.


We have been doing a lot over last few months. We made a commitment, and offered to attend a public event when invited, we have been doing that and continue to endeavour to be there where we can.


There had been issues over the Christmas period with a youth element in Salisbury, however the levels of antisocial behaviour dropped off since the schools had gone back. We rounded up those involved and were now working with the Youth Offending team to steer them away from such behaviour.


Crime statistics were published for the year. In Salisbury the year on year figure for crime was down. There had been an increase in patrol activity as a result in anti-social behaviour. Activity was a planned increase as part of our pulse patrols.


Purse thefts had also seen a reduction. One of our Community Coordinators had left post and would be replaced by Caroline Ralph. The Special Constabulary were integral to all the work we do. The hours they provide free of charge were 358h this month.


The Chairman asked Inspector Hutchings to pass on the thanks of the Board to the volunteer Specials, adding that we really appreciate all the force does for us.



The Fire Service ‘We are DWFire video had been played before the meeting.


Salisbury City Council (SCC)

Clerk – Annie Child gave an update.


At Full council last week we elected a new Leader; Cllr Jeremy Nettle. We also set the budget for the forthcoming year, band D would remain at £208 which equates to a 0% increase this year.


Projects we will be focusing on this year are:

  • Public toilets
  • Phase 2 cemetery
  • Allotments
  • And allocating funds to a few key projects

SCC was also picking up on the Neighbourhood Plan process, the first task would be to recruit and set up a Planning Steering Group. The details of this would follow on our website.



Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

David Burton gave an update:


·       We had also made a contribution to the cemetery project undertaken by SCC.


·       The Country Park was proceeding, we take H&S seriously, checking the proposals to make sure they meet the criteria


·       A 1000 tree woodland was underway with planting taking place in the Country Park, and had also taken ownership of two play areas.


·       Investment in a Bus Shelter Project, and would be looking for grant funding to support that in due course.


·       Awarded a Lottery grant of £42k for River Bourne and River Avon project, we would be enlisting over 100 children to assist with that exciting work.




·       Cllr Walsh – Would there be a map showing the routes through the Country Park? Answer: Yes, we will have one. A ranger will be in post at end of March, and by mid-summer we would hope to be producing maps.


Salisbury BID

Paper circulated at the meeting and is attached to the minutes.


Community Engagement Manager - Karen Linaker

Wiltshire Council had launched an initiative to support the National Armed Forces Day (NAFD) event, which would be held in Salisbury over the weekend of 28th – 30th June 2019.


The NAFD event was a huge celebration of bringing our troops home. The three day programme, which was free to attend included:


       Armed Forces family event

       Community day with parade and air show

       Veterans’ and young people’s day


Friday 28 June – Armed forces personnel and family event 

       Children’s activities and entertainment

       Barbecue – celebrity chef

       Live entertainment – concert

       Gala dinner


Saturday 29 June – Community day


       VVIPs in attendance

        Armed forces parade, air show, fly past

        Arenas, marquees and exhibitors, military village

       Shows, activities and displays

       Handover of NAFD flag

       Evening concert and fireworks 



Sunday 30 June -  Veterans’ and youth day


       Live entertainment

       Afternoon tea for invited veterans

       World record breaking attempt to create the largest human poppy

       Commemoration service

       Fly past

       Wartime singalong finale


There was opportunity for all Wiltshire community areas to be involved, with three active projects aimed to encourage all areas to take part.


Community art tapestry project

       An artistic lead, commissioned by Wiltshire Council, will work with community groups in each of the 18 areas to create a tapestry/artwork/collage

       The tapestries will be joined together to create one larger framed piece which will be displayed at the event

       This lasting legacy piece will then be displayed across the county

       Copy version for all areas


Largest human poppy world record attempt

       Aim to bring together more than 4,000 people from across Wiltshire to take part in an attempt on Sunday 30 June at Hudson’s Field to create the largest human poppy using coloured biodegradable ponchos – current record is 2,567 people (Cirencester – 3,000)

       Could involve transport from each area to ensure the event is inclusive

       Encourage veterans/cadets and young people


Next steps:


       Decision on three areas for community involvement

       Work with CEM and local representatives and groups to encourage involvement and to progress

       Support will be provided to assist with art work

       Further update and detail to be provided on largest human poppy

       NAFD flag will be provided for photos, plus support




I asked once before if something could be done with the other side of the war memorial. Could some funding be found to do this now? Answer: We will take that onboard. There are things that we can do.


Air Quality Group -

The Board noted the report from the last meeting which had been attached to the agenda.



Child Wellbeing Group

Cllr Douglas explained that the people involved in the Child & Wellbeing group set 3 priorities. Focused on one area in 2018, the Friary. As a result of those conversations the Community Foundation secured £200k for a five year programme. The local people were involved on how that would be used.


The next area of focus in 2019 would be Bishopdown, in the north and south wards. We would meet on 7 February with other community groups, to ask what was already being done for children 0-5, what the gaps were and how we could help.

If we can help children 0-5 years old, that has an expediential effect on the rest of their lives.



Crime & Community Safety Update – Cllr Hoque

The Board noted the report from the last meeting, which had been attached to the agenda.


Cllr Hoque noted that at that meeting people cycling on the pavement came up as an issue. We will work on this to tackle the problem.

Supporting documents: