Agenda item

School Budget Decisions 2019/20

The Forum will be asked to consider the Schools Budgets for 2019/20 and make relevant decisions using the decisions matrix (which will be circulated at the meeting).


Grant Davis (Schools Strategic Financial Support Manager) displayed different options on the Smartboard which could be considered for funding a transfer to the High Needs block.


These options included keeping the FSM Ever6 rate at 75.2% (which would mean a Schools block surplus of £35,000 or, in line with the National Funding Formula (NFF) this could be raised to 76% which would balance the funding in the Schools block.  This would mean certainty for schools that they can rely on this funding and could benefit from the increase if agreed.


Another option was to set the Minimum Funding Guarantee at 0% but this option was not favoured as it was moving away from the NFF, it would be proposed that the MFG continue to be set at 0.5%.


Another option was to not raise the minimum per pupil funding levels (currently at £3,300 and £4,600) to £3,500 and £4,800, but again this was not in line with NFF and not deemed appropriate.


A Forum member asked if we manage to move things around within our blocks to “balance” our budgets – Does this convey the message to the DfE that we are doing OK?


Grant responded that our disapplication request to the Secretary of State will be clear that we are not “doing ok”.  Other Local Authorities are also in this position and are asking for a higher % to be allowed to transfer from the Schools block to the High Needs block.  It sends the message that we have to “rob” our Schools block fund to be able to support our High Needs budget which is under extreme cost pressures.


Grant then circulated an A3 decision matrix at the meeting to Forum members to make it clear which funding block was being discussed and what decision was required by the Forum and each decision was discussed line by line.


Schools Forum members wished for their concerns to be noted that each year we are in the same position with the Early Years budgets and Schools budgets having to be used to support the High Needs budgets and what could be done to make sure that we are not in the same boat again next year.  If agreements were made to transfer between blocks it should be clear that it was not Schools Forum member’s wish that this is what is planned to happen each year (as it had previously). 


Officers explained the reasons why they were not able to support a larger hourly increase to the Early Years providers and that anything over £4.20 would be too much of a risk to the Council and there would be a chance that if the rate was raised more than this, that it would have to be lowered in a subsequent year which would cause even more difficulties to the providers.  The rate of up to £4.20 per hour was allowing for post year adjustments following the census data.


It was agreed that an update from the High Needs block working group would be requested for each meeting in order for Schools Forum to monitor progress and the consultants who would be working on the strategic review would be invited to attend the March meeting of the Forum.


The completed decision matrix is attached as Appendix 2to these minutes.


For the minutes, the decisions are also recorded below.




Central Schools Services block


1.     The Section B expenditure for the Central Schools Services block is agreed as follows:


        Education Welfare Service                        £189,850

        Asset Management                                    £177,066

        Statutory/Regulatory duties                      £638,084

        Admissions                                                £411,000

        Servicing of Schools Forum                         £3,000


2.          Central spend on historic commitments (Section C) agreed as follows:

i)       Funding for LAC Personal Education Plans whilst funded at £0.233 million for 2019/20, would be allocated at £0.103 million as 2018/19;

ii)      Funding for Child Protection Officer in Schools Advisory Team at £0.041 million; and

iii)    Prudential Borrowing at £0.300 million.


3.          Schools Forum note the LA decision (Section A) to set budget at £0.373 million for central copyright licences for 2019/20.


4.          Schools Forum agree that there be no top slice for services formerly funded from the general duties element of ESG.


Schools Block - Delegated Budget




1.          Schools Forum agreed that Free School Meal Ever 6 formula factor be set at 76%.


2.          Schools Forum agree to the Minimum Funding Guarantee being set at +0.5%.


3.          Schools Forum note the Growth Funding awarded of £2.2 million from the DfE and agreed that the Wiltshire Growth fund be set at £1 million, with the split being £0.1m for infant class size and £0.9m basic need. 


4.          Schools Forum agreed that the criteria for the growth fund remains unchanged.


5.          Schools Forum agreed that Wiltshire will not implement a falling rolls fund in 2019/20.


6.          Schools Forum agreed to transfer £2.2 million (0.8%) from Schools block to High Need block.  If the Secretary of State does not approve the disapplication request, then a maximum of 0.5% to be transferred - £1.375 million.  (NOTE - Since the meeting, approval to transfer funds at 0.8% from Schools block to High Needs block was received from the Education & Skills Funding Agency in a letter dated 25 January 2019 – copy attached as Appendix 1).


7.          That the budgets for De-delegation of central services be agreed as follows:


i)               HCSS                                   £58,109

ii)             FSM Eligibility                     £20,370

iii)           Trade Union                        £70,000

iv)           EMAS & Travellers            £517,910  (Primary only)

v)             Behaviour support            £600,000  (Primary only)

vi)           Maternity supply               £523,980


High Needs Block


1.          Schools Forum agreed that top up values for NPA’s, ELP, Resource Bases and Special Schools are to remain unchanged from the 2018/19 values.


2.          Schools Forum agreed that funding levels for alternative provision to remain unchanged from the 2018/19 levels.


3.          Schools Forum agreed that proposals be developed to meet on-going shortfall in budget and that any transfer from the Schools block cannot be deemed as recurrent.


Early Years Block


1.          Schools Forum agreed that the Wiltshire Early Years Single Funding Formula be set at £4.20 per hour.  Rurality to be set at £0.52 per hour and deprivation set at £0.40 per hour.


2.          Schools Forum agreed that the Inclusion Support Fund be fully funded from Early years block but set at a lower level reflecting local spending trends of 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial years.


3.          Schools Forum agreed that 98% of 3 & 4-year-old funding would be passed through to providers.


4.          Schools Forum agreed that the funding rate for two year olds would be set at £5.32 per hour.