To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.
a) Police
b) Fire
c) Salisbury City Council (SCC)
d) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council
e) Salisbury BID
f) Crime & Community Safety Group
g) Child Wellbeing Group
h) Community Engagement Manager
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.
The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates from partners present:
In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, Inspector Sparrow highlighted the following points:
There had been a lot of publicity about knife crime recently across the country, however in Wiltshire this type of crime had fallen. There were a lot of youths being drawn into this. He urged people to be alert to the young people in their homes/families, if they seem to have new phones, clothes or trainers, and you have not given them the money, then consider that they are getting it from somewhere.
Our Specials had provided over 1900hrs of voluntary time in South Wiltshire this year – that equated to £19k of staff hours.
We had seen a rise in burglaries, so we are advising people to be proactive and mark any tools and equipment in their outbuildings with bright paint.
Comments and questions included:
· How many specials were in South Wiltshire Answer: There were about 40, we are also recruiting now for the next batch, for PCSO’s.
· The Chairman asked that Pete pass on the thanks of the Board to all Officers for all the work they did.
· Are you actually recruiting for PC’s? Answer: I think the doors are closed, but they are now brining the people through that were previously recruited for training.
· 1900 hours was really impressive, what were you doing to promote this and encourage more? Answer: There was a reward and recognition panel. One of my Escort Officers had moved through the training and would become an officer later this year, he is of Turkish Nationality …
· I spoke to the assistant Chief Officer regarding the City Security Officer’s; The Chief Constable still supports the principle of increasing their powers. He hoped it would happen in the next couple of months, if you could add any support to this we would be grateful. Answer: The security company was being vetted through Hampshire, we were waiting for the vetting to come back.
The Chairman thanked the Inspector for the written report, adding that it was very comprehensive.
Salisbury City Council (SCC)
Cllr Jeremy Nettle – Leader of SCC
We have been pleased with the street cleaning services, and had started to see the roads and paths being cleaned outside of the ring road for the first time in 8 years. Since the asset transfer we had been able to push our teams further.
SCC was working closely with many agencies in Salisbury since the Novichok incidents, and was seen as a positive thing to have come out of it. High-street funding was more joined up in these areas, and it was hoped that it would continue in other areas.
We need to bring more people into the City. The Events team had been looking at what events could be put on and would display this info on the website, which would include French and Vintage markets.
Laverstock & Ford PC (L&F)
There was no update this time.
Salisbury BID
Steve Godwin provided an update. Our BIDs had to be re-voted every 5 years. Salisbury BID was voted in with a huge majority. So now the plan was to produce an action plan for the next 5 years. We were pleased to see 49 businesses had taken up the radio initiative.
The Chairman thanked the BID for all they did for the City
SCC also noted that it looked forward to working very closely with BID for next 5 years.
Crime & Community Safety Group
Cllr Atiqul Hoque gave an update, he highlighted that the Group had met two weeks ago, where it was noted that crime seemed to be under control. The Group had looked at the issue of cycling on the pavement. If possible, they hoped the Police would be able to assist in targeting this by giving an hour of their time once a month to target known areas. Several other working groups were operational where Police also attended, it was hoped that this duplication of information sharing could be streamlined by merging the groups into one.
Child Wellbeing Group
Cllr Douglas was not in attendance, so the Community Engagement Manager Marc Read drew attention to the minutes attached to the agenda and noted that it was first meeting of the Group in the Bishopdown area.
Community Engagement Manager (CEM)
Marc Read introduced himself as the new CEM for the Salisbury Area and invited people to get in touch with him if they wished to discuss anything.
Supporting documents: