Agenda item

Our Community Matters

To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the

following local JSA priorities/working groups:


·       Local Youth Network

·       Parish Forum

·       WWI Project – Ed Jones/Cllr Rounds

·       Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch

·       Calne Health and Wellbeing Group – Alison Ingham

·       Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group – Cllr Crisp

·       Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill

·       Calne Our Place – Naomi Beale (Chairman)

·       Calne Community Safety Forum – Glenis Ansell (Chairman)

·       Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman

·       Calne Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Crisp


Stan Wood and Roy Bhatia gave an update on the Blue Bus project.


Matters highlighted in the course of the update and discussion included that an application for funding was expected, and the Blue Bus might start to deliver youth activities in Calne before the summer. All members expressed support for this project.


Councillors then provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:


·       WWI Project (Ed Jones/Cllr Rounds)


It was noted that:


·       The project members would be meeting next week to move the project forward.

·       Community groups that might feel they can contribute to the project were encouraged to come forward.


·       Older People/Carer’s Champion (Diane Gooch) – the written update was noted.


·       Health and Wellbeing Group (Alison Ingham)


It was noted that:


·       Calne Health and Social Care Forum next meet on Tuesday 16th April 2019, 10.00 am at James House, Calne.


·       Dementia Action Alliance Steering Group (Cllr Crisp)


It was noted that:


·       The Steering Group had had an offer from the Beversbrook Surgery in regard to its administration.

·       The Steering Group was now turning its focus towards Dementia Action week in May.


·       Air Quality Working Group (Cllr Hill)


It was noted that:


·       Nitrogen Dioxide levels in all but one of the exceedance areas have been reduced below Government levels.

·       The one remaining exceedance point is in New Road adjacent to the junction with Silver Street, but The Group are hopeful that the reduction in HGVs due when Hills bring in the Traffic Management Plan will bring that one down too.

  • Hills have informed the Group that they expect to invoke their Traffic Management Plan at the end of July.


·       Calne Our Place (Naomi Beale) – the written report was noted.


·       Calne Community Safety Forum (Glenis Ansell) the written report was noted.


·       Calne S106 Working Group (Cllr Trotman)


The written report and following points were noted:


·       That the Oxford Road traffic calming system was due to go out to consultation.

·       That the next meeting would be postponed and confirmation of the new date and time would follow.


·       Calne Community Area Transport Group (Cllr Crisp)




To note the recommendations of the CATG as below:


To close issue numbers: 6092, 6468, 6655, 6857, 6859, 6861.


To move the following issues to the priority list:


  • 6749 – Dropped Kerbs at the bus stop, Stockley Lane
  • 6856 – Stockley – request for White Gateway Features / Coloured surfacing
  • 6862 – Stockley The Knapp – request for warning signs
  • - Calne High Penn – request for footway extension on Oxford Road


Issue 6459: move this issue forward onto the priority list and ask officers to start developing a scheme:


·       The location be considered for a 20 mph speed limit, with lighter touch engineering measures such as painted carriageway roundels.

·       To include a review of parking controls from the roundabout at New Road, along Station Road and Bowood View.

·       To include ‘no through road’ signage.

Supporting documents: