Agenda item

Management Committee Task Groups

To receive updates on recent activity from task groups



Written reports were received from each task group which had been set up by the Management Committee as detailed in the agenda papers. It was noted that the Communications with Councillors Task Group would undertake its first meeting on 25 March 2019.


In relation to the Digital Strategy Task Group it was reported from the Chairman that there was a concern the Task Group was not adding as much value as it could, in part because of a lack of information or information provided at a very late stage or short notice. The Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder were in attendance.


In relation to the Financial Planning Task Group the Cabinet Member for Finance made a statement in relation to the position of the Chairman of the Task Group and his dual role as Chairman and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group.


In relation to the Military Civilian Integration Task Group it was noted there was difficulty identifying where the group could add value between the responsibilities of others such as the Leader, and also that although there was the National Armed Forces Day coming up later in the year, it was important that the work of military and civilian integration was not just focused on big events but a continual process.


In relation to the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership Task Group there had been delays in an exercise to scrutinise the Chippenham Station Hub project because of a lack of availability from Network Rail and other partners, but a new meeting had been arranged and further reports would follow when available.


A verbal update was provided on the work of the Public Consultations Task Group which had met the day before, noting the importance of clarifying legally required consultations from engagement exercises and surveys, and how each must or should be carried out, and who could authorise them. It was requested, and agreed, that senior officers provide information to the Tasks Group on the new Business Intelligence Hub which was intended to oversee any such consultations in future.


It was also noted that the Third-Party Advertising Task Group was proposed to be subsumed within a new Commercialisation Task Group which would have a broader focus, and that this would need to take account of work with Financial Planning and Traded Services to avoid duplication of work.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




1.    To note the update on OS task group activity provided.


2.    To note the membership of the Communications with Councillors Task Group as:


Cllr Graham Wright

Cllr Ruth Hopkinson

Cllr Gavin Grant

Cllr Allison Bucknell

Cllr Trevor Carbin

Cllr Jose Green


3.    To note the membership of the Public Consultations Task Group as:


Cllr Gavin Grant

Cllr Ruth Hopkinson

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Pip Ridout

Cllr Fred Westmoreland

Cllr Stuart Wheeler


4.    To establish the Commercialism Task Group with the following terms of reference, and with its membership to be determined by the Chairman and Vice-chairman:


a)    To support implementation of the council’s commercialism agenda, by considering and making recommendations regarding,

·       Developing existing income streams

·       Developing new commercial opportunities, either through existing assets or developing or acquiring new ones

·       Councillor and officer expertise in this area

·       The experiences of other local authorities

·       Legal and commercial issues

·       The ethos, values and reputation of the council when considering opportunities.


b)    To liaise with the Financial Planning and Traded Services task groups to ensure the broad financial context is considered.


5.    To disband the Third-Party Advertising Task Group, with its remit now covered by the Commercialism Task Group proposed above.


Supporting documents: