A report by the Corporate Director, Department of Neighbourhood & Planning is circulated.
Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport presented a report which sought Cabinet approval for guidelines on funding arrangements to recipient bodies to deliver delegated services. It was recognised that the guidelines were principles for negotiation which would be used in normal circumstances but would vary in individual cases.
It was noted that at present there were five local councils and a community group progressing with applications to receive and deliver delegated services who need to consider the financial impact on their budgets before committing themselves further. The details of the funding arrangements need to be agreed with those local councils to enable the delegation to progress. Given the budget pressures for Wiltshire Council and local councils, it was acknowledged that funding arrangements needed to be equitable and sustainable to the local councils and this Council.
(a) That Cabinet adopt the following guidelines as the basis of the funding arrangements to recipient bodies to deliver delegated services and recognises that these are principles for negotiation which would be used in normal circumstances but would vary in individual cases:
For Services Delegated as a result of the freehold transfer of an asset
(i) Allotments
The recipient body retains the income, no further
annual payments from Wiltshire Council.
(ii) Public Conveniences
(Where maintained by Wiltshire Council in-house staff).
The recipient body receives full Wiltshire Council direct costs
(Includes as applicable: direct labour and material costs, vehicles
and equipment, repair and maintenance, NNDR, power and
services) - excluding overhead) in year
one reducing to 50% after four years.
In year five and onwards, until the agreement ends, 50% of direct
costs will be paid and adjusted annually by the increase/decrease
in Wiltshire Council Tax.
(iii) Equipped Play Areas
(Where maintained by Wiltshire Council in-house staff)
Where there are outstanding commuted funds from Section 106 agreements, these to be transferred to the recipient body. The arrangement at 14 (c ) (ii) of the report presentedwill apply when the period of the Section 106 expires.
Where there are no outstanding funds for maintenance
from Section 106 agreements the recipient body receives full
Wiltshire Council direct costs (Includes as applicable: direct labour and
material costs, vehicles and equipment, repair and maintenance,
NNDR, power and services) - excluding
overhead) in year one, reducing to 50%
after four years. In year five and
onwards, until the agreement ends, 50% of direct costs will be paid
and adjusted annually by the increase/decrease in Wiltshire Council
(iv) Parks, other Public Open Space and Amenity Areas - Grounds Only
(Maintained by Wiltshire Council in-house
The recipient body receive full Wiltshire Council direct costs (Includes as applicable: direct labour and material costs, vehicles and equipment, repair and maintenance, NNDR, power and services - excluding overhead) for one year.
(v) Assets Maintained or Services Provided by Contractor to the Council
Subject to individual agreement with contractor and recipient body. This may be as a variation within the contract or novation or part of the contract.
Once the contract expires move to arrangements shown in (ii) to (iv) above.
For Services Delegated without freehold transfer of an asset
(vi) Maintenance of Asset or Provision of Service
Subject to individual agreement based on direct costs with recipient body and Service Level Agreement
or if services currently delivered by a contractor to the Council.
Subject to individual agreement with contractor and recipient body.
Delegates authority to the Director of
Neighbourhood Services to agree payments to recipient bodies and
negotiates variations or changes to current contractual
arrangements with contractors as required.
Reason for Decision
To provide Guidelines on funding arrangements to recipient bodies to deliver delegated services.
Supporting documents: