Agenda item

Election of Leader of the Council

Having been informed of the intention of the present Leader, Baroness Scott of Bybrook OBE, to step down, and in accordance with the adopted executive arrangements, to elect a Leader of the Council for the remaining council term, May 2021.


Nominations will be sought orally from those present at the meeting. Voting will be by way of a show of hands unless at least 10 Members request the holding of a secret ballot.


The Leader will then advise Council of the membership of his/her Cabinet and Portfolio Holders.


The Chairman referred to the prior announcement of Baroness Scott of Bybrook OBE that she had submitted her resignation as Leader of Wiltshire Council effective of the date of the meeting. It was therefore necessary for the Council to elect a new Leader to serve the remainder of the council term until May 2021.


The Chairman expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of the Council to Baroness Scott for her service as Leader of Wiltshire Council and also Wiltshire County Council since 2003. He then invited Baroness Scott to make any final comments before proceeding to the election of a new Leader.


Baroness Scott expressed her warm appreciation for all the cards, emails and presents she had received since her announcement. She gave thanks to the Council’s staff who acted in the service of the public and supported her and her team so diligently. She gave particular thanks to the team of officers supported the Cabinet Office, Wilhemina Cox, Paula Tucker and Carol Dawson.


She also paid tribute to her Deputy Leader, Councillor John Thomson, for his constant support, work and friendship during her time as Leader. She extended her best wishes to all Members of the Council noting all their efforts in service to the public, and particularly to whoever was chosen as her successor.


Following a standing ovation Councillor Philip Whitehead, Leader of the Conservative Group, paid tribute to Baroness Scott and Councillor John Thomson.  He applauded Baroness Scott’s vision for the Council which she had delivered and also her tenacity which had resulted in Wiltshire residents being better off.  He stated her advice, wisdom, humour and belief in Wiltshire had resulted in Wiltshire being one of the finest areas in England.


Councillor Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, expressed his own thanks to Baroness Scott. He drew attention to Baroness Scott’s enormous vision in delivering the Council’s programme and in bringing together all concerned to help achieve this. He also applauded her drive and transparency which was critical in engagement with backbenchers. He wished both Baroness Scott and Councillor Thomson very best wishes for the future.


Councillor Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independent Group, endorsed the previous views expressed and hoped that the new Leader would continue in a similar manner.


Councillor Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, stated that Baroness Scott’s commitment to Wiltshire and its people was outstanding and expressed his thanks and appreciation for her dedication to this work.


Members of the Cabinet and other Members then expressed their thanks and tribute to Baroness Scott.


Mr Brian Warwick and Mr Phil Matthews, members of the public, paid tribute to Baroness Scott and wished her every success in her future endeavours.


The Chairman then sought nominations for the position of Leader of Wiltshire Council, to serve until the May 2021 local elections.


On the proposal of Councillor Richard Clewer, which was seconded by Councillor Bridget Wayman, it was therefore,




To elect Councillor Philip Whitehead as Leader of Wiltshire Council, to serve until the May 2021 local elections.


Councillor Whitehead thereupon gave a short speech in which he stated that during his time as Leader his aim would be to strengthen and enhance local communities in the area boards and also by working more closely with town and parish councils in Wiltshire. He also intended to ensure that there were sufficient and robust measures in place to ensure that set outcomes were met. He intended to maintain an open and transparent administration, and to embrace digitalisation in its various forms but at the same time encourage face to face contacts. He wished to set standards which would lead to an eco-friendly local authority.   


Councillor Whitehead then announced that his Cabinet would initially consist of the following Members:


  • Councillor Richard Clewer: Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts, Tourism, Housing and Environment
  • Councillor Allison Bucknell: Cabinet Member for South Wiltshire Recovery, Communications, Communities, Leisure & Libraries
  • Councillor Pauline Church: Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Skills
  • Councillor Laura Mayes: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health & Public Protection
  • Councillor Toby Sturgis: Cabinet Member for Spatial Planning, Development Management and Property
  • Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling: Cabinet Member for ICT, Digitalisation and Operational Assets
  • Councillor Bridget Wayman: Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Waste