Agenda item

19/00441/FUL - Pythhouse Farm, Tisbury, SP3 6PA

Erection of agricultural building to house poultry.


Public Participation

Richard Hickman spoke in objection to the application

Trudy Austreng spoke on behalf of Tisbury Parish Council


The Senior Planning Officer Warren Simmonds, presented the application which was for the erection of an agricultural building to house poultry. The application was recommended for approval with conditions, as set out in the report.


The proposed building would be 46 x 12m and approx. 3m high, with a 4.4m overall height of ridge.


The proposed juniper green colour was sympathetic to the surroundings, and the building included ventilation fans.


The building would house organic free-range chickens. The applicant was a provider to a major supermarket chain.


There was a requirement for the chickens to have a large area of outside space to qualify for free range.


There were other existing buildings on the site which also housed chickens. The new building would be sited so far to the north to maximise the distance between the existing unrelated dwellings in either direction.


Views of the building would be mitigated by other hedgerow and buildings. The proposed building was of relatively low height and not considered to have a detrimental impact on surrounding landscape. It was approximately 360 meters away from the nearest residential dwelling and there were no odour concerns.


The Members had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the Officer. There were no questions.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views as detailed above.


The main points raised included the visibility of the proposed building in the open countryside in an AONB, and raised the following points:


  • The raised position of the chosen site, as opposed to the suggested preferred option of positioning the new building between the existing farm buildings.


  • The duration it would take for planting to grow up to form cover.


  • The use of the proposed service road, instead of an opening along the lane.


Trudy Austreng spoke in objection, on behalf of West Tisbury PC. She noted that the Officer had not mentioned the letter submitted by the AONB which stated their concern about the siting of the chicken house in this location and suggested that it be placed in between the farm buildings. She also raised the following points:


  • The chosen location was in the skyline and not appropriate in an AONB. There were also concerns raised about the close proximity to the lane.


  • Some current issues relating to an existing shed had not yet been addressed, and it was felt that this second chicken shed was also going to be a problem.


  • Local knowledge was that it was along a narrow lane and large vehicle movement would cause an issue.


The Parish Council noted that a precedent would be set for large scale rural agriculture in an area of AONB. They wished for it to be positioned away from residential dwellings but not on the skyline.


The Division Member Cllr Tony Deane then spoke noting that he had called this application in because the Parish Council had wished it to be. There had been two parish debates, the second one he had attended. He had also received letters of objection from residents.


The main objections were the location being on the crest of the hill, and the existing building reflected the light and looked oppressive in the area.


We have read about the organic egg production and the restrictions of space. But it is in an AONB. This was the fourth of three other similar buildings. The prevailing wind went through the plantation across the site. It was intrusive in the AONB especially if it was built in a similar way as the others, we are told they will be using camouflage colours.


Cllr Devine then moved the motion of approval in line with Officer recommendation. This was seconded by Cllr Hewitt


A debate followed where the key points raised included that the site was not at the top of a hill but it was on high land. Environmental Health had no objections.


The proposed site was in front of a wooded area to reduce visual impact.


In the countryside we look across and see farm buildings, it is expected. The condition relating to external lighting needed to be clear.


The only planning issue was whether it affected the AONB.


With regards to the roof, it would be difficult to put a grass roof on it, but they could use a non-reflected paint.


The Committee then voted on the motion of approval in line with Officer recommendation.



That application 19/00441/FUL be Approved in line with Officer Recommendation, with the following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Drawing number 19002 02 Revision B dated 14.01.19, as deposited with the local planning authority on 22.01.19, and Drawing number 19002 03 dated 10.01.19, as deposited with the local planning authority on 22.01.19.


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.    No external lighting shall be installed on site until a scheme of external lighting, including the measures to be taken to minimise sky glow, glare and light trespass, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any external lighting scheme shall be designed so as to meet the criteria for Environmental Zone E1 as defined by the Institute of Lighting Professionals 'Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light' 2012.The approved scheme shall be implemented in full before the development is first brought into use and shall be maintained in effective working order at all times thereafter.


Reason: In the interests of amenity and the character of the surrounding landscape


4.    No development shall commence on site above ground level until details of the materials and colours/external treatments to be used on the external surfaces of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the surrounding landscape.


Informative: The external finish(es) of the building should be non-reflective.


Supporting documents: