Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·       Fire & Rescue

·       Youth – LYN

·       Community Engagement Manager (CEM)

·       Nadder Centre


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police

b)    Fire & Rescue


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and circulated on the night and received the following verbal updates from partners present:


Wiltshire Police

Richard Salter was in attendance with Helen Daverage, to represent the Warminster, Tisbury and Mere Community Teams. Helen covered Warminster and Westbury Town.

Richard noted that he would be taking part in the community safety item later and would stay after the meeting for any questions.


Cllr Wayman noted that Inspector Sparrow had mentioned in his report about supporting the Community Speed Watch (CSW) schemes. All parishes complain about speeding vehicles, what we would really like to ask the Police is to come out and help the CSW by having random speed checks.

Answer: Inspector Andy Fee – We were the pilot area for CSW and we set CSW as part of our weekly priorities meeting. We are unable to get around to every area, we will prioritise two areas each week. In a calendar year we will get around to all CSW run areas. It is a priority in our area and the south CSW.


Cllr Wayman asked for a report telling us where you have been and how many tickets were issued. Also speed of traffic can be too fast on some roads like the B3089 to qualify for CSW, could you do some speed controls in those areas?

Answer: We have a team based in my station and we do feed back to the CSW groups.  


Charlie Howard – In Chicklade the A303 runs through the centre of our village so we are unable to have a CSW due to that. It would be really useful to have a more random approach to speed checks.


Mike Ash Bishopstone – It would be helpful to have more feedback and could the Police also support the volunteers that do the work as we have had a problem with our volunteers being abused verbally, by hand gesture and on social media.


Cllr Green - You now have 40 special constables. With lead thefts, do you always check their licenses?

Answer: Pete Sparrow – We do see a rise this time of year in rural crimes such as lead thefts and shed thefts. We are aware of it and do carry out operations with Trading Standards. It is on our radar of actions for this time of year. There is also a Horse watch in operation now, that is reassuring.


Dorset & Wiltshire Fire

A written report was attached to the agenda.


Phil Matthews – The Valley News showed 5 Firemen who received awards from their involvement with the Novichok incidents. What is not known was that 5 days after the event winds blew the forensic tent away and Wilton Fire Team  went to secure the tent in hazmat suits. They also attended the residents of Charlie Rowley but were not recognised with awards.

Answer: Cllr Church – All of our emergency services did a brilliant job. The information of the individual involvement may not be appropriate for us to make it public.



Jaki Farrell – At our last meeting we met and discussed how the young people could be involved in tonight’s Area Board. Cllr Wayman was the youth representative and the group identified a few young people that could attend to input tonight.


Community Engagement Manager - Karen Linaker

·       National Armed Forces Day was a weekend long series of events taking place at the end of June, in Salisbury. Please come along.

·       Tisbus was now based at the Nadder Centre, the re-location was working well.

·       Working hard to bring new pieces of Art to the centre, and an activity room will be used for private viewings.

·       We are exploring options to help extend the café opening hours by popular demand and to enhance the community noticeboard space

·       The Police are based here and hold surgeries. PCSO Neil Turnbull will be increasing the number of hours he can operate out of the centre.

·       The Area Board has funded a new movement and music wellbeing group for older people to operate here over the summer, and was hopeful of bringing more walking sports forward, some family learning events and some employability courses too.

·       Real Madrid – their touring company will be here in August to run a week of training sessions.


Rhys Shell – the team will be helping you to put forward the local priorities early in 2020. There have been a number of projects and debates around the topics highlighted in the last run of the event. We will be asking what your local priorities are. Before you leave tonight it would be great to get a steer from you  so please take a minute to write suggestions on one of the lists at the back of the room.

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