To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.
a) Salisbury City Council (SCC)
b) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council
c) Police
d) Fire
e) Salisbury BID
f) Community Engagement Manager
g) Local Area Coordinator
h) Air Quality Group
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.
The Board received the following verbal updates from Partners present:
Laverstock & Ford PC
Philipa crook new ranger of the country park, now in post.
Work on the boardwalk in Laverstock was taking place soon
A new play area was underway at Virginia way
The Neighbourhood Plan was proceeding, resident consultation was about to start.
Police – Inspector Sparrow
National Armed Forces Day weekend only saw one arrest for a minor offence.
Local area update was circulated at the meeting.
The Police had carried out a successful warrant this week, which resulted in removing £10k of cannabis off the streets.
There had been successful convictions of 6 months terms following two incidents of Police assault.
A man had been charged with the attempted theft of the Magna Carter.
There had been a reduced volume of recorded crime by 1%. Salisbury continued to have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.
Crime statistics were available in the pack.
The Board had request a boundary map at the last meeting, was that sent out? Answer: Yes it was emailed to all Board Members.
What was the change to the 101 system? Answer: Yes it has been taken up by the Government and it will become free next year. We have also taken up an online reporting system.
The Board gave thanks to the service provided by the Police.
Fire – Neil McConchie
Standing in for the Station Manager who is on leave.
The Board noted the written report attached to the agenda.
Community Engagement Manager – Marc Read
· Beat the street competition 20th May launched. 10k people walked, jogged, scooted. Special event in Churchill gardens 11 – 1pm Saturday for awards.
· Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living – Have Your Say – 5th Aug 10am at Salisbury Medical Practice.
Local Area Coordinator – Pip Loach
New local coordinator based in Salisbury. The role sat with Public Health with Wiltshire Council. Working closely with the CEM in Salisbury. I work with the individuals in how to become more involved and strengthen them in interacting better in their communities. I cover the whole of the city. Have been working in the Friary and creating links there, and have been finding out about the groups that are currently running in Salisbury. There are a lot of opportinities available. I will be working with Marc on areas that people wish to develop more.
Your post is new, could we have more of a focused update with an example of what you do? Answer: Marc had been contacted by an older gent in the community with issues about his garden, it came to light he was recently bereaved. I went out and found out that there were issues with his garden and some planning near him. I was able to signpost him and find out about what services were around to support him, such as the widowers coffee morning at St Thomas’ Church.
At WC we have people called a Lead Professional, where one person acts for all the services, your role sounds similar to that.
Action: CEM to liaise with Pip to arrange a future update slot.
Air Quality Action Group – Marc Read
Marc had been working with the AQAG to complete some applications.
They were applying to the Urban Tree fund and had Highways England Applications in.
A number of the groups recommendations were taken forward as part of the recent Maltings consultation.
Clean Air Day 2020 – looking into having one of these in Salisbury.
The next meeting was scheduled for 25th September, at the Enterprise Network, Salisbury.
Now they declared a climate emergency could you look in to the proposal of starting a car free day once a year?
Action – CEM to take that forward at the next AQAG meeting.
Could you reassure us that any future tree planting will have a schedule of watering properly in place? Answer: My colleague Scott Anderson will liaise with the green space partnership and the SCC.
In addition, watering was now the responsibility of SCC following the asset transfer. There was a schedule in place.
There is a national car free day on 22nd September 2019, that happens in London and nationally, that may be too soon for one to be arranged in Salisbury but you could plan for next year.
We had a presentation 18 months ago about an initiative of tree planting for WW1. Is there an update on that, did the trees get planted? Answer: In Laverstock there were trees planted in the Country Park. It did happen in November 2018. They are doing well.
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