A report by the Corporate Director, Department of Neighbourhood & Planning is circulated
Declaration of interest
Cllr Toby Sturgis declared a personal interest in this by virtue of having submitted a planning application which had yet to be determined.
Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing presented a comprehensive report on the outcome of the review of the Development Control service and sought approval of a number of recommendations arising from the review.
(a) To defer consideration of the review of the Development Control Service until such time as the implications of any changes to the planning system as a result of the Decentralisation and Localism Bill are known.
(b) That in the meantime, a Working Group be established, the membership of which to be determined by the Cabinet member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing to consider the issue of the 21 day call-in period in more detail.
Reason for Decision
To enable the Council to take a more informed
Supporting documents: