Agenda item

19/03152/OUT - Peacock Grove, Corsham


Public participation


Gail Seviour, local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


Alex Fogwill, local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


Hilary Evans, of Evans Planning & Design, spoke in objection to the application.


Chris Beaver, the agent, spoke in support to the application.


Neville Farmer, Corsham Town Council, spoke in objection to the application.


The Planning Officer, Paul Galpin, introduced a report which recommended that authority is delegated to the Head of Development Management to grant outline planning permission, subject to conditions and completion of the Unilateral Undertaking within six months (or otherwise to refuse the application), for the erection of up to 27 dwellings following the demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and attached domestic garage, and associated access and landscaping works.


Key issues highlighted included: principle of development; impact on local highways; impact on site drainage and flooding; impact on ecology; impact on landscape character; relationship to the Great Western Railway; impact on residential amenity and S106 contributions. Officers also highlighted the importance of the extant permission relevant to this site and advised as to the implications of the appeal decision relating to an alternate revised scheme that had been issued two days before the Committee meeting.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer which focused on planning permission 15/11544/OUT, the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan and noise concerns. Clarification was provided as to the revised weight to be attached to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan following recent progression of the document.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to address the Committee, as

detailed above.


Cllr Philip Whalley, Division Member, spoke regarding the application with the main points focusing on: the scale of change application 15/11544/OUT; the principle of development; the 5 Year Land Supply; the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan; impact on visual amenity; the relationship to the Network Rail; impact on ecology; impact on landscape character; impact on site drainage and flooding and impact on local highways.


The Planning Officer then addressed some of the issues raised by members of the Committee and the public with the main points focusing on: the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan; the 5 Year Land Supply; the impact on ecology; landscaping issues and in particular the importance of the extant permission as a material planning consideration of significant weight.


At the start of the debate Cllr Peter Hutton put forward a motion to approve the application, which was seconded by Cllr Christine Crisp, in accordance with the Officer recommendation.


During the debate the main points raised were: application 15/11544/OUT and the improvements made since the last application regarding the number of dwellings, access, street scene and the number of houses being demolished.


Following the debate, the motion was defeated.


A proposal was then moved by Cllr Toby Sturgis, seconded by Cllr Gavin Grant, to defer the application to receive additional information in relation to the matters detailed below.


During further debate the main points raised were: the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan; the relationship with Network Rail; the desire for clarity regarding the inspector examining the Neighbourhood Plan and how it addressed application 15/11544/OUT; landscaping issues; that the 5-Year Land Supply target has been met and the material changes that had happened since the application was last brought forward.




That planning permission is deferred for two cycles to receive additional information in relation to the follow matters:


How the emerging Corsham Neighbourhood Plan addresses this site in relation to the Extant consent 15/11544/OUT


Network Rail Planting, Safeguarding & Boundary requirements in relation to the embankment area


Site sections showing height of proposed dwellings.


Consultee advice from the Council’s Ecologist

Supporting documents: