Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To note any announcements through the Chairman.


The Chairman made the following announcements:-


To note any announcements through the Chairman.


a)            Wiltshire Council - CQC inspection - update on actions


On 14 June 2018 the CQC published its review of how local health and social care systems work together in Wiltshire.


When the Committee considered the information in the CQC report at its meeting on 11 July 2018, it was agreed to monitor progress for 8 areas of work highlighted in the CQC report.


Members received an update at the September 2018 meeting and a CQC’s Action Plan was presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 7 February 2019. 


On Thursday 9 January the Chairman and Vice-Chairman attended a briefing where they received information on actions taken, or plans made by the Council with regards to the 8 areas of work this Committee had agreed to focus on.


This was an overall positive update with many of the areas of work now integrated as part of “day to day business”, a few of the workstreams were nearing completion and outcomes would be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board which either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman would endeavour to attend and then report back to the committee if any issues or concerns were identified.


They were also offered reassurance that Wiltshire’s interest would be prioritised by the Joint Commissioning Board.


           Developing a sustainable integrated workforce strategy – ongoing area of work for a working group including all providers and commissioners which produced a draft strategy. The draft strategy would be presented to the Wiltshire Integration Board on 23 January 2020 for finalisation and to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 30 January 2020 for approval.


·                     Strengthening joint commissioning across the whole system – 4 priorities sat underneath that work stream, one was to work towards a joint structure and approach to commissioning of health and social care in Wiltshire – this had to be put on hold as both the Council and CCG’s commissioning teams were being re-structured. The 3 other projects have progressed well - joint commissioning strategy drafted and awaits final sign off by the JCB in February 2020, intermediate care review and whole-life pathway (mental health and LD).


           A single overarching health and social care strategy – completed. The Health and Wellbeing strategy (for Wiltshire) went through all governance and signed off by HWB in September 2019. http://moderngov.wiltshire.council/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1163&MId=12438&Ver=4  


           Developing a single, integrated communications strategy – once work started on this, it was decided (as a team) that it would be more efficient for each workstream and project would decide its communication and engagement rather than have a single strategy.


           Implementing digital opportunities and information sharing – workstream agreed to be done for BSW rather than Wiltshire as there was already a workstream, relevant people and programme board (inc people from Council). Linked to BSW programme rather than initiate something separate.


           Unifying and developing whole system governance arrangements. This had been closed off as a workstream. As the new governance arrangements had now been in place for a year, it is planned for it to be reviewed by the Council and CCG. The outcome of the review would be reported to the Joint Commissioning Board and would also be presented to the Health and Wellbeing board for approval.


·                     New Wiltshire health and social care model – this was a bigger work stream with 5 projects. The main objective was to design the new model with providers. The new model had been signed off and was being delivered. All 5 projects are progressing and they report to the Wiltshire Integration Board


           Improving Wiltshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board effectiveness – this had been closed off, as what had been agreed had been actioned.


b)                 Chief Executive Officer for People – Terence Herbert  The Chairman welcomed Terence Herbert, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer to the meeting and congratulated him on his appointment.


He also paid tribute to the outstanding work that had been undertaken by Dr Carlton Brand, previously Executive Director, Adult Social Care, Public Health & Digital DASS/ERO, especially with regard to adult social care and wished him every success in his future endeavours.