To receive information on the Wiltshire Safeguarding Adult Board’s three-year strategy. A report will be circulated.
Mr Richard Crompton, Wiltshire Safeguarding Adult Board Chairman, introduced the Boards three year strategy noting that they had reached the end of the first year and key points included:
· Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR) had taken which identified issues with self-harm, self-neglect, county lines, criminal and sexual exploitation. Although these represented a small percentage they were high risk.
· A potential issue for Wiltshire was military rebasing to bring safeguarding issues.
· Care homes had a duty to report any safeguarding concerns and incidents which showed a health culture of reporting.
· There were three areas of strategic focus: quality assurance, voice and influence, and prevention.
· Quality Assurance: The WSAB had supported the development of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub for adults which had helped compile and interpret statistical results. The hub was beginning to meet their ambitions and reducing their volume of calls. A peer assessment audit had also taken place which noted improvements year on year. The results had been shared in the south west and other local authorities were interested.
· Voice and influence: Meetings had taken place with service users and carers through reference groups to learn from their experience. The feedback was positive. Representatives also sat on the main Safeguarding Board and was working to embed and make improvements in the next year.
· Prevention: Lessons learnt from case reviews and the development of relevant policies and procedures took place.
· An alcohol learning event was held last year which had been well attended by agencies.
· Outcomes of the SARs and the full report could be accessed via and thematic learning from case reviews via
· The review of adult E found that information had not been passed on to the hospital and domiciliary needs on discharge to the care agency. The Hospital Passport which should accompany a patient with learning difficulties had not been used.
In response to questions asked it was noted that:
· The patient passport would not be incorporated in new ways of handling electronic data.
· The spread and reach of the user groups was not as extensive as would like although they were well attended, they were looking at how to better utilise the people that did attend to ensure better representation and disseminate information.
· Geographically the groups were well represented, although there were transport issues and better ways to communicate were being explored.
· There was a family approach to safeguarding although the statutory nature of the WASB was that vulnerable adults were safeguarded.
To note the outcome of the Safeguarding Adults Review relating to Adult E
That the next annual update from the Wiltshire Safeguarding Adult Board include confirmation that the board ensured the recommendations of the Safeguarding Adult Review for adult E and thematic learning from case reviews were shared and effected change across local organisations.
To support the work the board is doing and encourage working with Local Area Coordinators, Social Prescribers and others to ensure a cohesive overview of services.
To acknowledge the aims of the board’s Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021 and continues to support the work of the Board to safeguard vulnerable adults in Wiltshire
To arrange a meeting for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee and the Independent Chair of the WSAB to review engagement between the two and to ensure enhanced partnership working
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