To receive updates from CCG officers on recent, current and upcoming work, projects and changes, including:
a) Social Prescribing – to receive a presentation on how the Primary Care Networks in Wiltshire have been using (or are planning to use) the Directed Enhanced Service funding (including Social Prescribers)
b) Citizen’s Panel – to receive an update on the outcome of the CCG’s investigation of several options for procurement of a market research agency to support the development, recruitment and maintenance of the Citizen’s Panel.
c) Maternity Service Redesign – to receive a response to the rapid scrutiny report considered at the last meeting of the committee (attached for ease of reference) and update.
f) Mental Health transformation – to receive a presentation on progress to date.
Maternity Service Redesign
Lucy Baker, Director of Service Delivery for Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG, gave an update on the maternity redesign rapid scrutiny (RS) exercise. The RS looked at the process followed and found that the CCG’s decision-making process was based on information that was available to them. The report was then taken to a CCG meeting in January, where the feedback of the RS was valuable to ensure the correct information was presented in an improved format. The recommendations were supported and the project was now moving into the implementation stage.
The RS suggested that clear information should be provided to mothers, in response to that, visits to communities had taken place to provide workshops to listen and provide information on what was happening next.
The first community hub was live in Salisbury which had received good feedback especially response to the breast feeding group. The next community pilot hub would be running in Trowbridge by the end of April 2020.
10 community of care pilots would be up and running to support mothers through pregnancy. The first pilot running in Salisbury had been working to support and make a difference to mums who had experienced trauma during a pregnancy and had received very good feedback.
In response to questions asked it was noted that:
The funding for the Salisbury unit had been secured and due to open in December. Bath RUH had a £6M funding gap and a fundraising campaign would be launched. The next grant funding tranche was in April / May. The RUH unit was not expected to open until 2022/23 and the capacity would not be needed until then. Capital funding had been secured and a plan B was in place for fundraising if required.
Mental Health
The mental health project is about doing things differently. The project has involved talking to service users, families, carers and partners to understand what wasn’t working, what was working and what could be better. The feedback from those conversations was used to develop a draft strategy which was now being updated. Thrive MH Programme Board were responsible for the governance and provided oversight for all of the mental health transformation programmes. There were six strategic work streams and each was delivering a key priority.
A key priority action and risk within the service was having a strong workforce and work was being done to design the workforce of tomorrow today. The committee were also informed about the Daisy unit in Devizes which supported people with learning disabilities and had some positive results. Work was also being done to commission a personality disorder service. Mental Health AWP had reviewed 111 calls as part of an investigation looking at how early intervention and prevention could be used to reduce emergency calls. Mental health professionals would also be available on the 111 service with band 7 nurses supporting band 5 nurses in crisis management. A single point of contact service would open on 20th March to provide a place of calm in Salisbury and an event was taking place at the Apex Hotel in Bath on the 24th March to co-design the pathway and the committee members were invited to attend.
In response to questions, it was noted that the banding, roles and responsibilities were being looked at to ensure the correct banding. An issues faced was that not enough people were building careers within mental health.
Social Prescribing
The committee welcomed Helen Scott, Transformation Project Manager, Primary Care, WCCG, PCN Manager, Devizes and Business Manager, Market Lavington Surgery and Neal Goodwin, Associate Director Community & Integrated Commissioning, NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
They explained that social prescribing was a personal, strength and asset based approach in communities. The CCG aimed to map all of the services within Wiltshire which was difficult due to the amount of un-commissioned services being offered. The CCG was tasked with implementing social prescribing in two areas; for high intensity users of emergency departments (ED) and recruiting social prescribing link workers in Primary care Networks (PCNs).
The first task involved Identifying high intensity ED users, those who used the ED more than 10 times a year, and for social prescribers to make contact with those users as a way of reducing their use of ED for non-emergency needs.
Wiltshire CIL in the voluntary sector, was commissioned to recruit community connectors to offer social prescribing within communities on a flexible basis and was later offered to create a package, using the existing funding, to also recruit social prescribers on behalf of the PCN’s, creating a collaborative environment. Currently 6 PCN’s had signed up to the offer. KPIs were being used to measure the outcomes and impacts of the social prescribing although it could be a long time before results would be available.
The CCG set themselves a task of scaling up social prescribing and came up with an initiative to connect 500 people in 500 days within Wiltshire as part of a social movement to encourage people to have simple conversations and connect with each other, this became known as the Wiltshire Swarm/ Wiltshire Bees.
Citizens Panel
Tamsin May, Deputy Director for Communications and Engagement, explained that the Citizens Panel was an engagement tool to gather actionable insights to inform decision making. It was an online community which conducted four surveys annually, the surveys could also be carried out on paper or via telephone if online is a barrier. There was an aim to gain 1,000 people, who were representative of the population in Bath and NE Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire which was representative of the population according to Census data and JSNAs. Funding had been received and Jungle Green, Market Research Agency, had been appointed through a tendering exercise to set up and run the citizens panel. So far 13 events had been held and 390 members recruited, once 500 had been recruited, the 500 would be analysed to identify any gaps in groups representation and the carry out targeted recruitment.
RESOLVED - Maternity Service Redesign
To note the update provided on Maternity Service Redesign and response to the Rapid Scrutiny’s report.
To thank CCG officers for their work and continuous information provided to this committee.
RESOLVED - Mental Health
To note the update provided on Mental Health transformation.
To note that there is on-going work with the Children’s Select Committee to explore additional overview and scrutiny involvement with regards to the Mental Health transformation and Whole-Life Pathway.
To circulate details of the 24 March event to co-design the pathway to committee members.
RESOLVED – Social Prescribing
To receive an update (preceded by a pre-meeting briefing) to report on:
- performance;
- recruitment, appointment and retention of social prescribers
- models of social prescribers in Wiltshire (subcontracted as Community Connectors and other options);
- partnership working between Health, the council and voluntary sector with regards to social prescribers (ensuring no gaps);
- outcomes of the Wiltshire bees and swarms (and ongoing activities).
To circulate details and information to refer “bees”.
RESOLVED – Citizens Panel
To circulate email address, web address and social media link to committee
Cllrs Champion and Groom left the meeting at 1pm.
Supporting documents: