Agenda item


To consider the following grant applications:



Amount requested

Applicant: Trowbridge Town Council
Project Title: Community Area Speed Indicator Device

View full application


Applicant: Trowbridge Sports Forum (Trowbridge Town Council)
Project Title: Longfield Muga Enhancement

View full application


Applicant: Trowbridge Fairtrade Town Group
Project Title: Trowbridge Town Hall electrical services upgrade

View full application


Applicant: The Breathe Project CIC
Project Title: Owlets and Owls Intergenerational Group

View full application




Longfield Muga Enhancement

A presentation was received in relation to the Longfield Muga Enhancement application from officers of Trowbridge Town Council, the applicants, as attached to the minutes. The Chairman also reminded Members of previous consideration of the item at previous meetings, and to consider any advice they had received regarding the item. It was stated that the criteria for grants set out that ‘up to £5000 of capital funding (more in exceptional cases’ was available for local community projects. It was stated that there was no further guidance as to what constituted an exceptional case, and therefore it was for Members to determine and if they supported the application and deemed it exceptional or not so as to award the £20,000.00 requested.


During debate, a motion was moved to approve the award of £20.000 to Trowbridge Sports Forum (Trowbridge Town Council) for the Longfield Muga Enhancement by Councillor Peter Fuller, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant. It was argued that the Longfield area was one of significant deprivation, with a funding gap at the local school, that other Mugas in the town had been able to receive funds for much needed enhancement through Sports England, and that the local community would continue to suffer problem, and therefore to award the grant amount requested was appropriate in the circumstances.


Comments opposed to the application included supporting the intention behind it but questioning why the Town Council could not provide the funds from its own precept rather than the area board and its high value award to a parish council. The dual hatted nature of several members was noted.

An amendment was moved by Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Edward Kirk, to award a maximum of £5000.00 as a one-off contribution to the wider project.


After debate, and upon request of the requisite number of Members, there was a recorded vote as follows:


For the amendment (1)      Against the amendment (4) Abstentions (3)

Cllr Ernie Clark                  Cllr Andrew Bryant            Cllr David Halik

                                        Cllr Peter Fuller                 Cllr Edward Kirk

                                        Cllr Stewart Palmen           Cllr Horace Prickett

                                        Cllr Jo Trigg


The amendment was therefore lost and debate resumed on the original motion.

At the conclusion of debate, and upon request of the requisite number of Members, there was a recorded vote as follows:


For the motion (4)   Against the motion (1)       Abstentions (3)

Cllr Andrew Bryant  Cllr Ernie Clark                  Cllr David Halik

Cllr Peter Fuller                                               Cllr Edward Kirk

Cllr Stewart Palmen                                         Cllr Horace Prickett

Cllr Jo Trigg


It was therefore,



That the Area Board award the sum of £20,000.00 to Trowbridge Sports Forum (Trowbridge Town Council)


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


It was also noted that should all grants at the meeting be awarded there was a shortfall of £1896.04 from the 2019/20 budget allocation to the area board, and the Longfield Muga Grant should therefore receive the final £1896.04 in the next financial year.

Trowbridge Town Council

The sum of £4883.97 was requested for a Community Area Speed Indicator Device. It was stated in debate that other parishes supported the application from the town council. Local residents from Cock Hill also spoke regarding the application. On the motion of Cllr Stewart Palmen, seconded by Cllr Andrew Bryant, it was,



The Area Board awarded the sum of £4883.97. to Trowbridge Town Council.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


Town Hall Arts

The sum of £972.00 was requested for an electrical services upgrade at the town hall. Details were sought in debate on previous upgrades provided for by grants. On the motion of Cllr David Halik, seconded by Cllr Stewart Palmen, it was,



The Area Board awarded the sum of £972.00 to Town Hall Arts



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


The Breathe Project CIC

The sum of £2400.00 was requested for the Owlets and Owls Intergenerational Group. Details were sought on how the group would recruit volunteers, and the funding gap which would filling if a lottery grant was not awarded. On the motion of Cllr Stewart Palmen, seconded by Cllr Jo Trigg, it was,



The Area Board awarded the sum of £2400.00 to The Breathe Project CIC


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.


Supporting documents: