Agenda item

Area Board Funding

Remaining budgets for 2019/20:


·         Community Area Grants - £5,395

·         Youth Projects - £250

·         Health & Wellbeing – £5,200

·         Community Area Transport Group - £6,867



The Board will consider applications for funding as detailed in the report attached to the agenda, and listed below:



Amount requested

Applicant: Winterslow Village Hall
Project Title: Winterslow Village Hall new heating

View full application


Applicant: Odstock Parish Council
Project Title: Nunton childrens playground replacement

View full application


Applicant: Laverstock Memory Support Group
Project Title: Laverstock Memory Support Group transition

View full application




Health & Wellbeing Funding

The Board is asked to consider earmarking funds from its Health & Wellbeing 2019/20 budget to assist with future projects and events relating to older people’s loneliness, isolation and other associated priorities, including strengthening dementia friendly villages and support for carers, as set out in the attached report.



Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager


The Board noted the remaining budgets for 2019/20 which were:


·       Community Area Grants - £5,395

·       Youth Projects - £250

·       Health & Wellbeing £5,200

·       Community Area Transport Group - £6,867


The Board considered three applications for funding as detailed in the

report attached to the agenda.


Winterslow Village Hall – requested £5000 towards a new heating system.


The Parish Council had contributed £5000 towards the project.


The required radiators would be on a 16 week delivery, so if deferred until the next Area Board meeting, that would mean that they would not arrive until after the summer holidays and the applicant intended to use the holidays to complete the installation.


Cllr Devine supported the project, adding that the hall was the hub of the community.



·       Have you considered solar panels? – Answer: Yes our roof is covered in them.


The Chairman proposed the board should support the full £5000 from the new financial year 2020/21 budget.



Winterslow Village Hall was awarded £5000 (from the 2020/21 budget) towards the new heating project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2019/20.



Odstock Parish Council – requested £6000 towards Nunton’s children’s playground replacement.


Within the recreation ground there was a playground used by the under 10’s. It was also used for other events. The playground had to close before Christmas due to safety grounds. The timber supports had severe rotting.


We also need to get the orders in for a 12 week delivery, so we also cannot defer the funding request, as we need to have the installation done in time for use in the warmer weather.


We think the total will cost would be about £25K and we are £6k short.



·       We do need to make sure that parishes are planning ahead for these sorts of repairs. I would urge all parishes to look ahead.


The Chairman proposed that the project be awarded the remaining funds from the Community Area Grants budget of £5395 and the remaining funds in the Youth Budget of £250, to allow this project to go ahead.



Odstock Parish Council was awarded £5395 (CAG budget) + £250 (Youth budget)  towards the Nunton children’s playground replacement project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2019/20.



Laverstock Memory Support Group requested £1500 towards the Group transition.


John Bartlett gave an overview of the service which had been provided this from his home for last 11 years.


We aim to work together with Alzheimer’s Support in a transition to best move the provision forward. The application was for the transition work.



·       Did the transition phase have a start and a finish date? Answer: Summer term, new financial year, then end when the responsibility had moved across.

·       This money is to induct co facilitators, what does that mean? Answer:  the group needs to be run, currently my wife leads one group and I lead the other. We also produce newsletters each term.

·       We should be proud to have helped this organisation which has helped many people in our area. The Board should support the transition of this group to its new form so it could continue to provide the important service.


Cllr McLennan supported the project and proposed the full amount requested.



Laverstock Memory Group was awarded £1500 of Health & Wellbeing funding towards the Groups Transition Process.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2019/20.



Health & Wellbeing Funding

The Board also considered the recommendation to earmark £3500 of funds from the Health & Wellbeing 2019/20 budget to assist with future projects and events relating to older people’s loneliness, isolation and other associated

priorities, including strengthening dementia friendly villages and support for carers, as set out in the report attached to the agenda.


The CEM clarified that it would leave £200 remaining. The Board decided to increase the amount to £3700.



The Board allocated £3700 from the Health & Wellbeing budget 2019/20 towards Older People s Projects.

Supporting documents: