To receive updates from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police
· Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
· MOD/Military Civilian Integration
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
· NHS Wiltshire
· Town and Parish Councils
Updates were received from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police
Dean Knight, who was standing in for Liz Coles as the Amesbury Neighbourhood Inspector gave an update to the meeting. It was stated that when you compared October 2019 to October 2020, reported crime in the area was down 16%. COVID-19 patrols were being undertaken in areas where gatherings had occurred, however there had been very few breeches. The public were urged to report any breeches they observed. Proactive drugs work and youth engagement had been taking place and the rural crime team had been revamped resulting in an increase in staff who were working jointly with the MOD. It was hoped that issues such as poaching and hare coursing could be reduced as a result.
In response to questions it was stated that PCSO’s now had the powers to issue parking tickets for cars parked on double yellow lines. Issues regarding parking outside some of the schools would be passed on to the PSCO’s so they could enforce.
· Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
Matthew Maggs gave an update to the meeting. National Road Safety Week had recently taken place and the DWFRS was targeting schools in order to hopefully reduce fatalities in the future. This was being undertaken via virtual tours and further information could be found in the written report in agenda supplement 3. The DWFRS was providing assistance to the ambulance service by helping to drive ambulances. The DWFRS were still available for home safety checks.
· MOD/Military Civilian Integration
The Chairman referred the meeting to the written report in agenda supplement 2. Lt Col Nick Turner (Garrison Engagement Officer, Tidworth) was in attendance and stated that he could pass on any questions to Neill Page (DIO Army Basing Programme Delivery Lead). It was stated that Garrison Commander Jamie Balls had now commenced his resettlement and his successor was named as Rupert Whitelegge. There was also a new Chief of Staff, Major Kurt Vines.
New plaques had been installed on the Tedworth Park Heritage Trail which were sponsored by Lovell.
Following reports that the road to Netheravon Airfield Camp was in a bad state of repair it was confirmed that this had been looked in to and works would be undertaken in due course. It was also noted that one of the perimeter fences was not secure and people had been walking their dogs there. Whilst this would be resolved and additional signage put it place, people were reminded that this was still an active airfield and it was not safe to walk there.
Cllr Smale requested an update on the quartering at Netheravon and Cllr Yuill queried whether the pandemic had increased fly tipping on MOD land. Lt Col Turner stated he would follow up on both these issues with Cllrs after the meeting. Cllr Ian Blair Pilling stated that he was present at the meeting as he was standing as the Avon Valley candidate at the election in May and if elected would therefore become a Member of Amesbury Area Board (assuming that the Area Board Boundary recommendations were adopted at Full Council). Cllr Blair Pilling confirmed that Wiltshire Council was working with the MOD and the housing association to try to resolve the housing issues that had occurred at Netheravon and he was following this up as part of his Cabinet role.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire
The Chairman referred the meeting to the written update in the agenda.
· NHS Wiltshire
The Chairman referred the meeting to the written update in the agenda.
· Town and Parish Councils
o David Hassett of Shrewton Parish Council advised that the B3083 had been resurfaced and that Shrewton Parish Council were pleased with the works. However, this had increased traffic speeds and the parish council were unable to undertake Community Speed Watch at the present time. There was also a resurgence of military vehicles travelling through the high street despite the signage stating no military vehicles.
o Phil Osment of Amesbury Town Council stated that there had been a few travellers camping on the Stockport Road and thanked Highways for helping to resolve the issue.
The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates.
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