Agenda item

Updates from Partners

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives




Some written updates had been received before the meeting and were included in the agenda pack. Verbal updates from Town and Parish Councils, and other Partners were received as follows:


1)    Wiltshire Police

o   Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth spoke to the written update included within the agenda pack. Reference was made to the executed misuse of drugs act warrants, community Speedwatch updates, and hate crime updates. It was confirmed that Road Safety Week was approaching which would entail extra checks from response officers and neighbourhood teams. An online training package was noted to be provided for new recruits which would deliver theoretical equipment training that could then be utilised practically after the second national lockdown was eased. A COVID-19 update was delivered with information on the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued alongside an update on the two members of the Warminster community area who had been taken to Court over unpaid fines from the previous lockdown period. The new Police Station situated behind the Fire Station was mentioned with an opening date of May 2021 stated. The three new PCSO’s were discussed and it was confirmed that one would be joining the Warminster team; it was noted that there were 6 weeks of training left before they were ready for independent patrol.

o   The Chair requested an update on the JSNA, particularly regarding anti-social behaviour and speeding, for the next meeting of the Warminster Area Board. Cllr Jackson additionally noted the introduction of the 30mph speed limit on Smallbrook Road and requested that Police Officers were mindful of this during Road Safety Week.


2)    Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

o   Len Turner, Chair of the WVCP, updated members on the Community Hub which had to close again due to the second national lockdown but noted that they had managed to retain all volunteers throughout the first lockdown period. Warminster town centre was discussed, and it was noted that this was the tenth year of conducting a survey on town centre businesses, the results of which showed that there were 218 trading units in the town centre with 199 occupied and open for the public, and 19 vacant towards the end of September 2020. It was highlighted that nationally, Warminster had shown to have been the least effected by COVID-19 in terms of loss of retailers. The closures of both Edinburgh Woollen Mills and Peacocks were mentioned. It was noted that the second lockdown would impact the town centre again and that support should be given across the communities for local businesses, particularly those that had opened during or just prior to the initial lockdown in March 2020. Members of the Board expressed their pride of the community area.


3)    Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


o   Warminster Town Council

The Chair provided an update on behalf of the Warminster Town Council which informed members of the virtual Remembrance Sunday service that had been delivered in partnership with the Royal British Legion, broadcasted on the radio and available on YouTube. It was noted that the funding provided by the Area Board last year had been used for the VE, VJ and Remembrance Days where CDs had been produced for members of the public to purchase. Due to the national lockdown the skatepark had been shut and the Christmas Lights event had been cancelled but it was confirmed that shops would still display decorations. Additionally, the Civic Centre was noted as being closed for classes and only open for blood donors, however the offices were open and could be accessed Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm by phoning 01985 214847 where calls would be diverted to members of staff. It was also noted that the new Lake Pleasure Ground Splash Pad recommended design was being brought forward for consideration at the next meeting of Full Council on 24 November 2020.


o   Heytesbury, Imber and Knook

Heather Parks, Parish Clerk, thanked members on behalf of the Parish Council for the approval of their grant application in the last meeting of the Area Board which was being used towards new equipment for a play-area. It was noted that local help within the Parish was available for people in need during the second lockdown.


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