To consider the Part I (public) minutes from the last ordinary meeting of the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee held on 17 December 2020.
Minutes for the last extraordinary meeting of the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee and the last ordinary meeting of the Investment Sub-Committee held on 14 January 2021 and 2 December 2020 respectively, are under Part II of this agenda.
The Part I (public) minutes from the last ordinary meeting of the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee held on 17 December 2020 were considered.
The Chairman emphasised for the benefit of any members of the public listening, that the minutes for the last extraordinary meeting of the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee and last ordinary meeting of the Investment Sub-Committee held on 14 January 2021 and 2 December 2020 respectively, were under Part II of the agenda. It was highlighted that if members of the public wanted to access the Part I papers for both meetings, they could do so by visiting the Wiltshire Council website.
Following which, it was:
The Board noted the Part I (public) minutes from the last ordinary meeting of the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee held on 17 December 2020.
Supporting documents: