Agenda item

Community Speed Watch

To receive a presentation on Community Speed Watch from Sarah Holden, Citizens in Policing Supervisor.



Sarah Holden, Citizens in Policing Supervisor, gave a presentation on Community Speed Watch (CSW).


Ms Holden stated that there were 2 CSW teams in the Marlborough Area, one in Marlborough (London Road) and one in East Kennett. There were some other areas awaiting risk assessments in order to start a team. It was stated that:


·       CSW activity had resumed on 6 July 2020 after lock down ended.

·       In the county 86 out of 110 teams had resumed since 6 July 2020.

·       633 sessions had been held across Swindon & Wiltshire.

·       144,721 vehicle had passed during checks.

·       7,215 speeders were recorded.

·       4,432 were sent a letter or had action taken.


Every two weeks tasking was sent out to CPT areas and focused on areas where communities had highlighted issues.


Unfortunately, CSW would be suspended again due to the new lock down. Where teams were unable to go out, the local CPT’s would be encouraged to focus on those areas.


In response to a question it was stated that there had been a team in Aldbourne who had unfortunately resigned. Ms Holden explained that it could be difficult to get teams out there as they were reliant on community volunteers. A traffic survey also had to be undertaken (which could be achieved through CATG), the results of the survey then had to meet national requirements in order for a team to be set up. 


In response to further questions it was explained that there were 66 handheld cameras across Wiltshire, which were often shared between teams, for example East Kennett and Marlborough shared a camera. The cameras were expensive and needed to be calibrated by CSW every 3 years in order to ensure they were accurate. Fyfield and West Overton would be setting up CSW teams and were awaiting training. Once those were set up the CSW would look at how best cameras could be shared.  A device audit had been undertaken in order to facilitate the efficient sharing of cameras. 


Cllr Lisa Farrell of MTC was part of the Marlborough CSW team and stated that MTC wished to purchase a camera. At present the Marlborough CSW team could only look at London Road, however they were awaiting risk assessments on other locations. The team wanted posters and signs to promote CSW. It was stated that signs could be requested through CATG. In October, 3 speeding tickets had been issued for London Road, so the group did have an effect.


In response to a question Ms Holden stated that they did follow up with groups when they stopped doing CSW. Usually it was for personal reasons or due to a lack of support in the community. It was hoped that teams could be reinvigorated.


In response to further questions it was stated that if parishes wished to use Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) that parishes could decide if they wanted to have these and could fund purchasing them, then they could apply for them through CATG. The CSW were happy to then receive data on key times when speeding occurred so that this could be fed back to CPT teams. SIDs were felt to be a very useful tool in combating speeding.   


In response to a specific query regarding a particular CSW, Ms Holden stated that the best solution would be to email the CSW inbox with details. Likewise those with outstanding queries could also email CSW on