Agenda item

Quarterly data (Q2)- Risk / Performance / Finance / Complaints


The Commissioner presented his report for data reported for Quarter 2 -2020/2021 Performance Overview which was contained in the agenda pack.


Points made included:


·         That the volume of Crime for Wiltshire in terms of national position remained low


·         On average, for Wiltshire 54.56 recorded crimes per 1000 population, was significantly below the Most Similar Group average of 68.97


·         An average reported national decrease was 6.9%; South West Region average reduction of 5.5%; MSG average reduction of 5.6%. Just five forces nationally reported an increase within the same time period


·         That Wiltshire Police reported a 10.1% reduction in volume of crime for the 12 months to Sep-20 compared to the previous 12 months


·         That all crime groups were being reported within the volumes of what was considered to within the bounds of statistically normal


·         That Wiltshire’s crime commission was demonstrating a long term decreasing trend with no recent monthly exceptions since the first government lockdown March-2020


·         That Crime recording compliance for Sept-20 was 93.9% for quarter 2 2020/2021 and remained consistently high


·         That the Positive Outcome rate had returned to statistically normal levels at 16.7% for the rolling 12 months to Sep-20


Priority 1


Points made included:


Recording compliance issues – that Wiltshire Police were confident that the figures given were accurate.


Hate Crime – that Independent Assessment – how and why would be included as part of the Performance Overview data under Priority one at future meetings.


Speed enforcement – that auto speed enforcement was an excellent way to generate large amounts of data.  That this would be beneficial to community SpeedWatch groups. That a more detailed report would be beneficial and the experiences of other forces that are using them. Note: A report on road safety work in Wiltshire and Swindon was scheduled for the March 2021 meeting.


Special Constables – It was felt that there appeared to be regular pauses in recruitment, with many then becoming regular officers or getting posted into community policing teams.


Call answering rates – That Wiltshire Police should not use the pandemic as an excuse for falling statistics for the answering rate. The importance of not un-doing the good work that had been carried out over the last two years or so.


Priority 2 – no comments


Priority 3


Domestic Abuse – IQuanta statistical information, Wiltshire Police were confident with accuracy of the data


Domestic Abuse - Wiltshire Police scrutiny panels – how many and what do they cover.  Note it was agreed that Wiltshire Police OPCC would put together a list of all its scrutiny panels and circulate to the Panel members.


Priority 4


Complaints – That most complaints relate to single officers.


Psychological absences – the importance of detailed checks on possible applicants as to how they may fare under stress as a Police officer.



Risk register


The Panel noted the Risk register.



Community Policing Model


Chris McMullin outlined the report in the agenda pack that provided a summary of the performance measures for the PCC and Police and Crime panel related to areas of Community Policing Teams (CPT). The report continued to assess working days “lost” to short- and medium-term sickness and annual leave and calculated how many FTE posts this equated too.


The Panel noted the report and the updated measures for monitoring CPT resourcing levels


The Chairman thanked Chris McMullin for a useful report.


Supporting documents: