Agenda item

Community Area Grants


Amount Remaining £

Community Area Grant Scheme


Youth Grant Scheme


Health & Wellbeing Grant Scheme

7,700 (and 3.7k from 2019/20)

Community Area Transport Scheme




The Board will consider applications for funding as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda and listed below:


Community Area Grants:



Amount requested

Applicant: Salisbury Older People's champion
Project Title: Taking afternoon tea to isolated older people

View full application


(NB: application approved under delegated officer authority in December)

Applicant: My Salisbury
Project Title: Community Journalism and Media Training Project

View full application


Applicant: Devenish Bradshaw Trust
Project Title: City to Countryside Dog Trails - Digital and On-site

View full application


Applicant: ArtCare
Project Title: ArtCare Well-being TV at Salisbury District Hospital

View full application


Applicant: 1st Downton Scout Group
Project Title: 1st Downton Scout Group Scout Hut Refurbishment

View full application


Applicant: Alderbury Parish Council
Project Title: Speed Indicator Device for Alderbury

View full application


Late Application:



Applicant: Downton Football Club
Project Title: Clubhouse Community Project

View full application




Youth Funding Bids:



Grant Amount

Applicant: My Salisbury (working title)
Project Title: Project Spark Working Title


View full application



Applicant: Area Board Project
Project Title: Rural Youth Outreach Project


View full application



Applicant: Area Board Project

Project Title: Healthy Schools Initiative





Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager


The Chairman noted that some of the activities detailed in the applications may not be able to go ahead until the covid restrictions had been eased. In light of that, he advised that where there was a delay in a project taking place, there may also be a delay to the release of Area Board funds.



Health & Wellbeing Funding



The Board noted a £200 award which had been made to the Salisbury Older People’s Champion from the Health & Wellbeing budget 2020/21, under CEM Delegated Powers.


Community Area Grants

The Board considered 6 applications for funding, as detailed in the agenda pack. Applicants in attendance were invited to give a short summary of their projects. Followed by any questions.


My Salisbury - Community Journalism & Media Training requested £4479.97

The applicant, Andy Munns spoke in support of the project.



·       The skills set you are training them in, would the content then be used by local radio?

·       Answer: No the content they would be creating is for ‘My Salisbury’ only, if another platform wished to use those storeys that would be good. The website would be promoted through social media and other mediums, we would hope that Salisbury Journal and the Valley news etc would then write a piece on us.


·       What would happen if we were enthusiastic about the youth aspect but not the other bid?

Answer: They are stand alone, not funding one would not prevent the other from happening.


·       Which other Area Boards had been approached for funding?

Answer: For the youth grant applied to Southern and Salisbury.

The other project – we have already received £5K funding from SAB, we will be needing more as have now got over 50 people interested


·       We would need to see the full figures before we consider this.


·       There is no mention of SAB in the application or £5k coming in?


·       We don’t normally fund projects that only cover Salisbury, if we did fund this I would expect a guarantee that we had a number of candidates that benefitted from this in our area.

Answer: I live in your community area, outside of the city. I aim to reach the rural areas outside of the city.

I would be happy to guarantee a minimum number of spaces for those outside of the city.

·       Have you spoken to the schools?

Answer: Yes have spoken to several and they are interested in workshops


The Board felt that although the project was one that met the funding criteria, it sought clarification on whether a project was able to receive more than 50% funding from Area boards, and whether that rule was individually or as a combined award from several boards.


Action: The CEM would work with the applicant to resubmit the application with the required figures.




The application by ‘My Salisbury’ was deferred until a future meeting.


The applicant had applied for funding from multiple Area boards and clarification was required on some of the missing data.


Devenish Bradshaw Trust – City to countryside dog trails – requested £940

The applicant, David Burton spoke in support of the project.


Questions and comments:

·       The amount applied for of £940 was 100% of the project, but you are showing a surplus of £1386.

Answer: That’s to manage the Watermeadows.


·       What is the aim of the project?

Answer: Its about raising awareness for dogwalkers, particularly new dog owners – without causing danger to the countryside.


·       Cllr McLennan - Up until the end of last year, I was a trustee of the trust, I stepped down at that point after securing the 55 acres. As said, the RBCF and the land that was beside it, was now owned by the Trust. It’s about creating areas. The project is local and is able to be accessed by visitors. Happy to support this.


·       There was no argument of it being a local project, however the Board is asked to fund the entirety of the project. The paperwork doesn’t state that the PC gave £1000 for bins.


·       Nicholas Baker – chair of L&F PC speaking for myself – there are a lot of new dog owners in the area. There have been issues with animals being damaged by dogs. As part of this the PC had sited 2 bins for this. We are covering £100 for the year to empty them.


Cllr McLennan moved the motion of awarding the full amount of £940.

The Board was supportive of the project however felt that some detail was missing. As the original motion was not seconded a new motion of a £500 award was proposed and seconded.



Devenish Bradshaw Trust was awarded £500 (capital) towards the City to countryside dog trails project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2020/21.


ArtCare – Wellbeing TV at SDH - requested £2500

The applicant Rebecca Seymore spoke in support of the project.


Questions and comments

·       You have applied for 3 x Area Boards for £2500 each, could the CEM clarify whether a project could be awarded more than 50% collectively?

Answer – Karen - My understanding was that the maximum of 50% funding was to an individual AB and not collectively.


The motion to award the full amount was moved and seconded.



ArtCare was awarded £2500 towards the Wellbeing TV at SDH project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2020/21.


1st Downton Scout Group - Hut Refurbishment – requested £4500

The Applicant, Ian Porter spoke in support of the project.


Questions and comments:

·       Were costings subject to VAT and could you get them back?

Answer: We are not VAT registered and yes the sums include VAT

·       You have money in reserve.

Answer: Yes the trustees have agreed to keep the operational costs as reserve.

·       There was lots of support for this locally. The toilets in the hut were 50 years old. PC keen on supporting this.


The motion to award the full amount was moved and seconded.



1st Downton Scout Group was awarded £4500 towards the Scout Hut Refurbishment project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2020/21.


Alderbury PC – Speed Indicator Device (SID) – requested £1000


The Chairman noted that he was a regular Speedwatch volunteer and was aware there was regular speeding through Alderbury.

The motion to award in full was moved and seconded.



Alderbury PC was awarded £1000 towards the SID project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2020/21.



Downton FC – Clubhouse – requested £5000

The applicant, Luke Wordley spoke in support of the project.


Questions and comments:


·       The application was short by £3k, to trigger Sports England funding.


·       Would there be any sale of alcohol during the children’s match games? Answer: No, the bar area was not open during Saturday mornings, when all of the youth games took place. I can provide a copy of the Safeguarding Policy to the CEM if required.


·       Luke and others had come together with a new manager running the sports centre, it was much more viable. The site was turning it into something that could be more sustainable.


The motion to award in full was moved and seconded.



Downton FC was awarded £5000 towards the Clubhouse project with the condition that a copy of the Safeguarding Policy is provided to the CEM.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2020/21.



Youth Funding Bids

The Board considered 3 bids for Youth Funding as detailed in the agenda.

(The board previously voted to reserve £1200 for the Old Sarum event – that money was being drawn down, estimated at £800).


My Salisbury – Project Spark – requested £4975.



My Salisbury was awarded £4975 towards Project Spark from the Youth Budget for 2020/21.



Area Board Project – Rural Youth Outreach – requested £5000

Karen explained that this initiative had arisen from the rural CEMs in the south of county, to commission a youth provision pot of £30k.


There would be a bespoke offer of 8/9 events or initiatives to benefit young people. A Partnership Steering Group would lead it. The activities would be fairly apportioned across the areas.


Questions and comments:

·       This looks as if we are being asked to fund a youth worker. I would like to see this as a presentation at an AB. Could we defer this until the next AB?


·       The statement that we cannot get volunteers in our villages gives weight to this proposal.


·       On the basis that it was a one year pilot project to work out what could be implemented, I would be comfortable with it as it stands.


·       It should be involving the youth groups and experts in the field – a good safe project that could come up with something that could be beneficial


·       A reservation was going in with other Area Boards may risk our local focus. I would have preferred a 3 month project being commissioned to produce proposals.



The motion to award in full was moved and seconded.



Area Board Initiative – Rural Youth Outreach was awarded £5000 from the Youth Budget for 2020/21.


Area Board Project – Healthy Schools Initiative – requested £5000

Karen presented the project.  


Questions and comments:

·       Who was running it?

Answer: The CEM, Karen and the local cllrs.


Action: KL to provide more details and costings.  


The motion to award in full was moved and seconded.



Area Board Initiative – Health Schools Initiative was awarded £5000 from the Youth Budget for 2020/21.



Supporting documents: