Agenda item

Public participation and Questions from Councillors

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by members of the Council.  Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Stuart Figini of Democratic Services  01225 718221 by 12.00 noon on 27 January 2021. Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above.



Questions were received from the following members of public:


  • Helen Stuckey – Chippenham HIF and the Local Plan
  • Kim Stuckey – Chippenham HIF and Chippenham Town Council involvement
  • Kathy Laurence – Wiltshire Housing Scheme / Purchase of homes
  • Ian James – Traffic Management in Chippenham, Chippenham HIF, development in Rawlings Green site/Parsonage Way and the Local Plan
  • Peter Cousins - Chippenham HIF and Chippenham Town Council involvement
  • Isabel McCord – Chippenham HIF
  • Melanie Boyle – Chippenham HIF and associated general questions
  • Amy Davis – Local Plan, Chippenham HIF and climate emergency
  • Chris Caswill - Chippenham HIF
  • Myla Watts – Chippenham HIF and Chippenham Town Council involvement


Cllr Clewer explained that the questions had received written responses which were published on the Council’s website. Supplementary questions were received from Kim Stuckey, Melanie Boyle and Chris Caswill. The supplementary questions with responses are included in a re-published Supplement 2 to the agenda at this link.


In addition to the above public questions, a number of questions were received from Cllr Nick Murry about the Local Plan and Chippenham HIF, Cllr Clewer explained that the questions had received written responses which were published on the Council’s website in agenda Supplement 2  . There were no supplementary questions. In addition, Cllr Ian Thorn asked a number of questions in relation to Furlong Close. Written responses would be provided following this Cabinet meeting and published in agenda supplement 2.


Supporting documents: