Agenda item

Assessment of Complaint: COC132109



A complaint was received from Richard Maurin-Powell (The Complainant) regarding the conduct of Councillor Simon Jackson (The Subject Member) of Salisbury City Council.


It was alleged the Subject Member had breached the Code of Conduct by not promoting or supporting high standards of conduct, failed to be accountable for their decisions and failed to be as open as possible for those decisions, in relation to an informal meeting with Members and Officers of Wiltshire Council by, it was alleged, improperly misrepresenting the policy position of Salisbury City Council in respect of an experimental Traffic Order known as “The People Friendly Salisbury Traffic Scheme” (the scheme).



The Sub-Committee were satisfied that the initial tests of the assessment criteria had been met, including that the Subject Member was and remains a member of Salisbury Council, that a copy of the relevant Code of Conduct was provided for the assessment, and that they were acting in their capacity as a Member during the various alleged actions.


The Sub-Committee therefore had to decide whether the alleged behaviour would, if proven, amount to a breach of that Code of Conduct. If the Sub-Committee concluded that the alleged behaviour would amount to a breach, then it would have to go on to decide whether it was appropriate under the assessment criteria to refer the matter for investigation.


In reaching its decision, the Sub-Committee took into account the original complaint and supporting information, the response of the Subject Member, and the report of the Monitoring Officer.


The Sub-Committee also considered a verbal statement from the Subject Member provided at the Assessment Sub-Committee meeting. The Complainant was not in attendance.



The complaint involved a meeting of the Subject Member, who had been newly installed as Deputy Leader of Salisbury City Council, and senior Members and officers of Wiltshire Council. The new Leader of the City Council was also present and was subject to a related complaint of COC132107.


The ‘People Friendly Streets’ scheme had been enacted by Wiltshire Council, and shortly after the meeting referenced above Wiltshire Council indefinitely suspended the scheme, with media reports referenced by the Complainant stating that city councillors refused to confirm support for the scheme.


The Complainant was not present at the meeting in question but alleges that the Subject Member misrepresented the policy position of the City Council in respect of the scheme and acted dishonestly in not inviting other members to the meeting.

The Subject Member states that he clarified several times at that meeting that he could not speak for the City Council as the matter had not been specifically tabled or debated by them. He states that those present from Wiltshire Council stated they would discuss the matter further and come back to those who had attended the meeting, but that a statement on the suspension of the scheme was later made.



The decision to implement and suspend the ‘People Friendly Streets’ scheme was undertaken by Wiltshire Council. From the accounts it was clear that the scheme had generated much attention and comment as a political issue within the city and the City Council.


The Sub-Committee did not consider that there was sufficient evidence to justify an investigation into the allegations. The Subject Member had provided an explanation of the events in question and her involvement, and there was insufficient information in the complaint beyond supposition to determine that the allegations, if proved, would amount to a breach.


The Sub-Committee did not consider that other points around not informing the City Council of the meeting if proven, were capable of breaching the Code of Conduct.


Accordingly, the Sub-Committee resolved to take no further action in respect of the complaint.


Therefore, it was,




In accordance with the approved arrangements for resolving standards

complaints adopted by Council on 9 July 2019, which came into effect on 1 January 2020 and after hearing from the Independent Person, the

Assessment Sub-Committee determined to take no further action in

respect of the complaint.