To receive any updates from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police
· Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
· Town & Parish Councils
· Healthwatch & CCG
To receive any updates from the following partners:
Wiltshire Police – written outlined by Sgt Ho Tsang
· That a small number of tickets had been issued to members of public who had blatantly breached the Covid legislation. There had been dedicated patrols allocated.
· That officers were conducting speed checks at various locations across the sector. The locations were identified predominately based on intelligence
· That CPT had, and was currently targeting a local drug dealer within Chippenham and Corsham. 1 male had been arrested due after a warrant was executed. A small quantity of drugs, money and a devise believed to be a S5 firearm were seized.
· That officers had been conducting regular visits to enforce a closure order on a premises which had attracted drug users within the area.
· That officers were currently working with a number of regular missing young people along with other agencies to reduce missing episodes and reduce the risk of harm to them.
· County Lines – No known county lines in our CPT at the moment.
· That officers were currently looking at closures on properties that were being used to deal drugs in the local area.
The Chairman thanked Sgt Tsang for his update
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – The written report was noted
Corsham TC and Colerne PC – The written reports were noted
Box PC – Tony Clarke
Points made included:
· That residents were pleased that the Thickwood path had been re-surfaced.
· That a Task force had been set up and had been working with Gigaclear to make changes with underground cabinets and the relocating of some bigger cabinets to more suitable locations.
Healthwatch & CCG – The written reports were noted
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